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Later that day Jisung's workday for the kdrama was rescheduled do to an important last minute meeting with their CEO manager. Nothing but relief Jisung had for not wanting to see Minho after their last encounter.

"Not gonna lie but I was sweating in there, the coincidence I get into a relationship with Felix then an out of the blue meeting." Chan was absolutely thankful the meeting was to reschedule their comeback a month after their previous date.

"I was sweating for you." Changbin chuckled.

"Wait what?!" Jeongin who was in the van with them was completely unaware of Chan's relationship.

"Oh! Jeongin I'm sorry for not telling you, but please don't let this get out." Chan begged his manager, not that he wasn't trusting of him he was but understanding the penalties for their companies dislikes.

"Don't worry, your guy's personal lives are safe with me. If anything I can create your schedules so you two can have time together." Jeongin winked to his hyungs, keeping their secrets safe.

"You're the best innie!" Chan pulled his manager into a warm excited hug.

After their drive back to their apartment they head inside and call it a day. The three went off to their own rooms to do their own things. Jisung needed to charge his social battery for tomorrow especially after a day he just encountered. While moped in bed he didn't know what compelled to look to his messy bedroom floor and noticed the show's script.

He decided to pick it off the floor to not get ruined but he began flipping through the pages reading the lines with already so much emotions put into this writing. He sat at his desk reading the entire script, making notes on every line that stuck out to him.

Hours pass and was beginning to jot down the foundation of the melody. But from how late it was, his eyes couldn't bare to stay open any longer and passed out midway at his desk.

"Yah! Don't you have somewhere to be?!" Changbin bursted through Jisung's bedroom door, startling the sleeping squirrel awake.

Jisung shot up with a pencil stuck to his face for a moment before immediately wiping his face. He checked the time and noticed his netting with the music producers were in less than ten minutes as it took at least a thirty minute drive.

"Crap!" Jisung grabbed a bag and shoved everything on his desk into his bag.

He threw on a hoodie over the shirt he slept in and kept his sweatpants on. Running out his bedroom and before he could run out the flat. Han stopped him without taking his eyes off of his laptop.

"Brushed your teeth?"

Jisung groaned as he completely forgot and rushed to do so.

"Keys? Wallet?" Chan reminded once more causing Jisung to run back and forth the apartment. "Have a good day!"

"Yes, dad." Jisung rolled his eyes sarcastically before finally exiting the apartment.

After getting into his driver's car he was heavily scolded by his manager for being late as they were waiting for long enough. He takes the scolding and they were on their way to the job he was dreading.

Arriving to the set he rushed straight to the director, quickly apologizing while bowing 90 degrees. "Sorry for being late sir. I was used my time poorly."

Minho had noticed from his set of the loud idol, scuffing at such ridiculousness.

"Don't worry Han. We just got done shooting, the music manager is in the other room waiting for you. Minho will be in there shortly too." The director merely brushed off this once occurrence, letting it slide.

"Thank you sir." Jisung bowed once more before quickly walking to the other room.

He sat his bag down and brought out his notes he had taken and his laptop then his mood changed instantly when Minho walked in.

"Good everyone is here today! So throw out some ideas." The music manager sat back in his chair, waiting for them to speak.

"I was thinking maybe go for a soft mellow start then will lead into very pop for the chorus but still keep its deep emotions in the mix. Still working on some lyrics but I think it'll suit the overall vibes of the show. Oh and I thought the beats would go somewhere like these I put together." Jisung played some samples on his laptop, nervously watching how the music manager would react.

Good sign of his head lightly nodding to the beats but still a straight face.

"I like it, I see your vision. You're the boss for this so whatever you come up with will definitely be good." The manager gave him the green flag to continue to pursue his vision.

"Thank you sir. You won't be disappointed." Jisung happily stood up and bowed out of gratitude.

"I'll be looking forward to the song, I'll leave you two alone to get to work as he is your helper." The manager and his assistants left the room, immediately changing Jisung's mood.

"Better not be like any of your loud noisy music." Minho already beginning to push his buttons.

"Listen I don't want to deal with you anymore than you have to deal with me, let's just get this done so we both can go home." Jisung didn't bother giving the older the attention as he didn't want to deal with his attitude.

"Cause you know it's true, huh? Going to ruin my drama with your noisy ass music." Minho getting underneath Jisung's skin.

"If you don't like then you don't need to be apart of this, I can do this by myself. Please, I'm sure my music is far better than your acting." Jisung biting back with his words.

"You haven't seen me act, haven't seen any of my award winning dramas. Can't compare my acting to your music if you've never seen it." Minho laughed at the younger's comparison.

"I might not have seen your dumb dramas but at least I know human decency! Now stop acting like you're fourteen again and grow up!" Jisung had enough and stormed out of the music room with his things, ending the session shortly.

"Done already?" Jeongin noticed his idol already out of the room but was storming off back to the car.

"Done with him!" Jisung then threw his stuff into the car out of frustration, taking his manager back.

"Wait are you quitting then?" Jeongin hoped in the car, signaling the driver to drive.

"No . . . . I'm determined to finish this project but he makes my life harder." Jisung frustratedly run his hands through his hair.

"Are you sure? We can back out if you can't handle him." Jeongin wanted the idol to feel at ease with who's he's working with.

"I'm sure." Was all Jisung said before staring out the car window to clear his mind.


A/n: short chapter sorry guys T~T

Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!! ~ 💜

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