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"Ugh!" Jisung had finally ended his first day of finishing out who he'll be working with, making it back to his shared flat.

He tossed his bag on the floor and plopped onto the couch, throwing his head back.

"Everything okay?" Chan chuckled from the sudden burst of annoyance that came out of the maknae.

"No, I have to work with a cold entitled actor. He even has to help write the song. I thought this was going to my song only, he knew I was working with and he's trying to take that opportunity away." Jisung was fully irritated.

"What did you do to this actor to hate you?" Changbin came into the room, overheard Jisung had came home.

"Nothing! He's just an ass. Lee fucking Minho." Jisung hoped the older wasn't still mad for a misunderstanding.

"Not all celebrities are the best people, sadly most of them are total assholes, heck I can name a few idols who are too." Chan knew that most didn't deserve the fame.

"I know, but I don't wanna work with someone like that. I'm going to bed." Jisung stormed off to his room to cool himself down with some anime.

Chan and Changbin merely looked at each other of their maknae's frustration.

The next day before Jisung had to go do his side work he had promised to follow Chan and Changbin along to Chan's friend modeling gig. After arriving it was a whole different environment than him and his band mates modeling for album shoots and brand deals. The room was divided yet open filled with many other models and behind the scenes staff in their own world.


A slightly deeper voice grabbed the idol's attention, noticing a very well known freckled model came running.

"Lix! Woah . . . . You look extra beautiful today." Chan quietly spoke, causing the said boy's cheeks to flush through his makeup.

"Channie~, I'm working . . . ." Felix tried to keep his composer from being flustered.

"Sorry, wasn't thinking." Chan shyly blushed as he pet the freckle's golden head of hair. "Felix, these are my friends! Jisung and Changbin." He had to keep his insane feelings for his crush beneath the surface as it wasn't ideal in Korea, deciding to change the subject.

"It's nice to finally meet both of you! Big fans of your guy's music too." Felix bowed to his elders, excitement of meeting Chan's friends.

"Nice to meet you too, we've heard a lot about you. Thought Chan was making shit up at first." Changbin teased the older as he finally got to meet the older's little crush.

"Literally number 1 in his contacts and never shuts up." Jisung played along with the teasing, two racha now mischievous giggling while Chan's ears and cheeks were nothing but red.

"I have to live with these two." Chan now regretting bringing them along.

"Here, I'll take you guys to our private room where I'll be doing my shooting with my two other friends." Felix on instinct accidentally grabbed Chan's hand to drag him along but once their hands were touched he immediately came back to reality and pulled it away, remembering they were in public.

Chan of course noticed this, saddened by the lack of physical touch they craved for their hidden feelings for each other being equal. Instead three racha just followed Felix's lead.

"This is the room, since it's heavily private we don't have to worry about any public eyes, the staff in here are very trustworthy." Felix opened the door for the idols and heavily implied to the older with a beaming toothy smile.

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