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"Minho I swear to god, you can't be so careless."

Minho was in a meeting with his manager who was absolutely furious with him, he had slid his work tablet straight to Minho, showing an article of how the model he was dating a few days is now going to reporters that the actor Lee Minho is terrible boyfriend.


The video:

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Miss Karina! Karina!" Reporters flashing their bright cameras and shouting for the model's name.

"Is it true Lee Minho the actor abandoned you on your recent date?!"

"Are you two still together?!"

"Please answer Karina!"

"For my lovely caring fans only, I'll answer." She stopped in her tracks and was ready for her performance. "Yes Minho did abandoned me, ever since our relationship had gotten out to the public he's been distant." Tears swelled her eyes.

"Was it because the pressure of your guy's fans?!"

"No . . . . I'm sorry I don't want to say anymore." Karina pulled out her dark sunglasses and went off with her bodyguards while reporters continued to chase and ask more questions.


"I'm shocked she isn't an actress." Minho rolled his eyes and tossed the tablet back on the table.

"Doesn't matter what she said was true or not, your name will be talked down upon now! You're going to have to get back together with her again, we can't have any scandals before your anticipated show airs!" His manager pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"I'm not trying to get into a public relationship, especially when both of us have different motives. I don't even like her." Minho was putting his stubborn foot down despite how much his manager really has a choke hold on his career.

"Do you want your career to go to shit?! Do as I say! This isn't up for debate, you are one of the most famous k-actors and she is Asia's princess for god sakes! The two of you would cause internet chaos if you break up with her, the amount of approval your fans and hers have is very positive stats. We need to keep you in this relationship, more fans, more money. Just think about your mother, could probably find a cure with the amount of money we would make." His manager planted his hands on the actor's shoulders, trying to reason with him but with nothing but money hungry eyes and a disturbing smirk.

"Keep my mother out your mouth!" Minho immediately stood up and pushed his manager away from him. "You're the real reason she's sick! I can't believe I ever let you become my manager." Nothing but disappointment he felt in himself.

His manager slapped the actor across the face, his rings hitting just hard enough to leave a mark. "Because your mother getting sick we couldn't afford anything, I put you in this acting career and I can take you out of it!"

"I'll do what ya want . . . . . Just never speak of her again." Minho grabbed his bag and ran out the room, ending the meeting between his father and him.

While he was storming off he had gotten a text message from his dear friend Felix, wondering if he would go to a baseball game with him.


"Are you sure you're okay with coming? You seem pretty tired Han." Chan was getting ready for another secret date , checking himself multiple times in the mirror.

"Yeah, I wanna meet Jeongin's boyfriend finally. Plus I won't be the only third wheeling since Jeongin is gonna be there." Jisung had always wanted to meet their manager's boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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