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"Ooooo~ Chan Hyung getting ready for a date~!" Changbin teasingly his hyung who was triple checking himself in the mirror.

"Not gonna lie, pretty nervous. Felix is finally getting a break from a while, so we're going to try to spend as much time as possible." Chan was stressing out from how he couldn't be pleased with what he saw in the mirror.

"How do you have time for dating? You don't even have time for sleep?!" Jisung who was working on some future projects on his laptop, commented as he was wondering how.

"Well when you like someone very much you'll do whatever you can to make things work. We agreed to what we signed up for. I need to get going now, both of you behave." Chan gave a light chuckle before leaving with the other two rolling their eyes but waved their hyung goodbye.

"Let's go spy on him and his date." Changbin gave his signature mischievous laugh.

"What?! Wouldn't that draw attention to them?" Jisung didn't think it was such a good idea.

"I think it would draw attention away from them. Obviously they both be covered up and on the download but he the two us go and just go as is no one will bat an eye at them!" Changbin tried convincing the other.

"I guess that could work, but your whole intention is just to ease drop on Chan." Jisung was quite curious himself.

"See! Alright let go!" The older pulls his maknae out of his chair and out the door.

The two had checked Chan's locations and noticed where they were, the two on a secret date were just casually walking down Han river with ice creams in hand.

Jisung from a distance watched his hyung on a peaceful date, a small smile pulling at his lips. But his attention was then brought to Changbin zooming in with his android phone getting close up pictures from a distance.

"You're gonna bring them attention!" Jisung whispered yelled as there was quite a lot of people on their walks.

"Calm down, it's only to tease him later." Changbin laughed to himself.

The younger merely just rolled his eyes to his hyung's actions.

"Hyung, I really wish I could hold your hand right now." Felix quietly whined as his hands were becoming frozen by the ice cream and the cool air hitting his skin.

"Your hands cold?" Chan noticed Felix trying to warm his hands who nodded in a response.

Chan wasn't afraid of the public's opinion or anything that shouldn't be their business, he put his ice cream down and takes Felix's hands to warm them up. The model's cheeks were blushing coating his freckles.

"Naur, I can't see your beautiful freckles now." Chan lifted Felix's chin who was trying to hide his blushing cheeks.

"Channie~, we can't be so bold in public." Felix shyly smiled from how flustered the older was making him.

"My only focus right now is keep you happy." Chan petted the model's golden head of hair with a warm dimpled smile and fondness in his eyes.

"Wow, he really doesn't care." Changbin admired his hyung's boldness.

"Uhm! Maybe he should! There's sasaengs coming this way!" Jisung immediately grabbed his hyung's attention as he noticed their known sasaengs on the other side of the bridge.

"Shit!" Changbin noticed them as well and immediately went to calling Chan.

"Han at Han river."

Then another familiar voice caught his attention from behind, startling him out of his skin.

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