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The morning of a busy day for the trio as they all had their own separate schedules. While Changbin and Chan were off to their own meetings, Jisung was with his manager to meet with who he'll be working with for the opening song.

They greeted the director and the writer of the show with respectful bows then getting a tour of one of the sets as the actors were trickling in.

"Please make yourself comfortable on set, get a feel of the environment. Heres the script as well, we're thrilled to get such a talented kid like you to work with us." The director complemented Jisung who was of course shy of the over welcoming compliments.

"It's an honor to be given a great opportunity sir, thank you." Jisung staying professional and spoke formally to the elder.

"Of course, well deserved Han Jisung. The lead actor should be arriving shortly, you'll be working with him for the ost. Do you mind on signing this for me, my niece is a huge fan." The director had his assistant bring out one of 3Racha's albums.

"Sure, what's your niece's name?" Jisung asked.

"Oh, uhm no need for a name you can just sign it." The director's tone was nervous as it was quite obvious there was no niece.

Jisung brushed it off and signed the album, handing it back with his signature.

"Thank you, means a lot! Anyways enjoy the buffet table while we wait for the main cast to arrive, there some cheesecake if you're interested." The director hinted before leaving.

Of course Jisung was reeled in by his favorite food and was instantly at the buffet table. While scarfing down some food as he had been on strict diet for the past couple months he was to focused on the cheesecake he hadn't notice the main cast trickling in.

"Excuse me? But have you seen the director anywhere?" A voice coming from behind Jisung causing him to jump out of his trance and his plate of cheesecake stumbling in his hands before dropping it onto the floor.

"You made me drop my cheese—." Jisung immediately cut himself off once he turned around with nothing but wide eyes, wondering if his eyes were deceiving him from the familiar face that stood before him.

"You're still clumsy as ever."

That very man standing in front of him was Jisung's old childhood friend, Lee Minho. He was grown taller and built just enough to tell how built he was even with clothes covering, he was even more eye captivating now.

"Minho?! What are you doing here?!" Jisung wasn't expecting to see him out of everyone.

"I'm the main lead, the one who's singing the opening. I can see you're still dumb as ever too." One thing that didn't change was Minho's cold expression he always wore.

"Well I can see you never matured." Jisung scuffed. "I was never told by the manager who the actors were. Let alone didn't know you were one." He crossed his arms as he wasn't pleased with the actor's attitude.

"It's all over the news and even trending on every social platform, wait, you're stuck with no life in the studio all day maybe that's what smells." Minho then walked away unamused.

Jisung was now completely aggravated? Agitated? Non the less annoyed. Before storming off to find his manager he quickly checked if he really does smell which he didn't.

"Jeongin we need to talk." Jisung successfully found his manager, wanting to resign from his commitment.

"What about?" The younger curiously asked as he could tell Jisung's mood was off.

Before Jisung could speak the director bursts into the room filled with actors and the behind the scenes crew.

"Looks like everyone is here!" The director clapping his hands together ready to start production. "As I had already given everyone the scripts months in advanced and had practice shootings, today will be our first official shoot! Jisung, fill free to stick around to get a feel of the show. After we're done we'll gather up in the music production booth." After talking to the crew he moved his gazed to the idol.

"I'll wait in the other room." Jisung scowled as he was still upset by his last encounter with the actor, not caring if he missed the first episode being filmed.

He immediately walked away with his manager running after him.

"Jisung? Everything okay?" Jeongin was worried for the idol's poor attitude.

"No. That entitled actor Minho, ugh! Didn't think he would still be acting like a complete jerk." Jisung plopped on the couch in frustration.

"Still? You guys met before?" His manager catching on to the past tense of Jisung's words.

"We went to the same middle school, we were friends kinda. Doesn't matter! Is it too late to resign?" Jisung didn't want to work with someone who was as cold as him.

"You want to resign? This is a very big opportunity, are you sure?" Jeongin didn't quite understand but was willing to follow whatever the idol was comfortable with.

"I don't know, this is a big opportunity to get myself out there to produce music for tv shows and movies. I'll give it two sessions and I'll make my mind up then, besides he's only singing not like he has any say on the music." Jisung hoped the actor would be somewhat tolerable.

Later after their first successful shooting of the first episode of the show the director, the music production team, and the lead actor Minho went straight to the room Jisung was in waiting.

"First episode was a success! Thanks to our talented actor Minho!" The director praises the actor causing Jisung to roll his eyes.

"He'll also be excellent to help write the ost, our best actor and our best music writer. This show will be bigger than we expect." One of the music producers announced as no one had let the idol nor his manager he'll be helping.

"Wait, what?" Jisung's attention was immediately brought, his gave adverting to the actor who had met eye contact with and began taunting him with a devilish mischievous smirk that boiled the idol's skin.

"Is there a problem?" Minho cocked an eyebrow, everyone feeling the tense aura the two had with each other.

"Nope, will be honored to work with you hyung." Jisung's jaw tensed as he bitterly lied through his teeth.


A/n: short chapter but I hope everyone had a good Christmas or holiday!

Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!! ~ 💜

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