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It was the very next day, another work day for Jisung.

This time Changbin had other businesses to attend to so Jisung was on his own for the day, which he didn't mind as all Changbin did really was failing to attempt talking to Hyunjin.

Once he made it to building where he worked on the opening for the kdrama he had came a little early, early enough to get another bit of the acting scenes.

The director had waved over to Jisung for him to sit next to him as the actors did their thing. Capturing all the staffs emotions and bringing them in-depth to the story.

Jisung was still very much stunned by Minho's performance, a completely different person.

"Cut! Great shooting for the day! As always outstanding performances!" The director called it a day as he was pleased with everyone's hard work.

"Jisung? Have you ever thought about acting?" The director curiously asked as he thought his face would fit right in and the spite of amount of talent he has.

"I don't think it's for me, shockingly I have a bad memory I forget my own lyrics." Jisung was embarrassed by his terrible memory but merely laughed it off.

"That's a shame, you should try it out though. Give it a shot." The director had so future plans and thought the idol would fit perfectly.

"I'll think about it sir." Jisung gave a smile and bow before heading to the studio.

He was the first to arrive now waiting on Minho, which didn't take as long as he thought it would.

"Good you're here! Oh! Before I forget I wanted to thank you about yesterday, Felix seems to be very appreciative about it and Chan is as well." Jisung thanked the older out of gratitude.

"I'll do anything for that ball of sunshine, his manager is very strict so I couldn't let his little secret get out. But let's get this over with, because of my new official girlfriend to the public I have another date tonight." Minho leaned back in his chair, scrolling through all his missed calls from his manager.

"Minho, it's been weeks and we still don't have lyrics! This is supposed to be a collaboration so I can't continue anything till you put effort into this project. The past week you either reschedule or left extremely early. Your finally is also coming up soon before the series airs, we have a dead line." Jisung was now pulling his hair out of head from the older stressing him out.

"We'll get it done. You're apparently a musical genius so you'll think of something for your part, everything comes easily to you." Minho rolled his eyes as he kept his gaze at his phone.

"He's so nagging god. I get it, all I do is runaway." Minho thought to himself.

"If you need help with lyric writing I can help. We can't keep pushing it to the side though. Since you're the actor of the character just deep dive into those emotions and write how it feels. I mean heck you're a famous ass actor, you've been in love right?" Jisung wasn't opposed to help as this is the older's first time writing music.

"No." Minho was now getting pissed, not entirely at Jisung more at himself.

"Oh, it's okay me neither—." Jisung cut himself off once he watched Minho stood up and grabbed his things. "Minho?!"

Before the actor could leave the room, Jisung immediately runs after him and stops right in front of him to prevent him on leaving.

"Minho! Are you seriously ending it early again?! You need to take this serious!" Han finally putting his foot down as his irritation was over flowing.

Minho avoided eye contact as he was ashamed to speak.

"I'm not like you squirrel . . . . I'm not in touch with my emotions like you are, I don't know what's real or not real. I know it's pathetic, I'm an actor I should be able to but, I can't. You say you can write any song based on how you feel, I can't do that. Now stop picking fights you don't understand." Minho picked the idol up and moved him to the side so he could finally leave this difficult conversation for him.

As he left the room Jisung was stuck standing after hearing the vague truth he was given and being picked up and moved as if he was nothing.

"Wait!" After his little trance he chased after the actor, who was already walking out the exist to his motorcycle. "Minho! Wait!"

He catches up to the actor, stopping him before the actor could drive off.

"If you like it or not we need to finish this song either way, in touched with your emotions or not. Come over to my place tomorrow night. My friends won't be home and it'll just be the two of us, we can work on the song together and we won't sleep till we finish." Han was at the top of the stairs from the exit, more of demanding him to do as said rather than asking.

"I have a date tomorrow night too." Was all Minho said before hoping on his motorcycle.

"Minho, I can help you with the lyric writing!" Jisung began yelling over the loud engine roaring.

No response, speeding out of the parking lot.

"Fine! Keep running away!" Jisung yelled out as if the actor heard him, nothing but annoyance.

Wondering why he was even interested in writing music.


The next day Jisung had slept in, waking up to an empty apartment which he didn't mind as he cherished his quiet time despite him being the problem being it loud.

Since it was a day off from all his kinds of work and Minho made it clear to him that he wouldn't come he decided to make himself comfortable on their couch with a blanket and some take out delivered to catch up on some shows.

Hours pass by and he had finally gotten to the last episode of his show.

Before he could start the next episode a knock was heard from the front door. He immediately froze as he remembered not ordering anymore takeout and wondered if it was one of his members who forgot their key.

He pulls himself off the couch out of agitation from stopping right on the last episode and went to answer the door.

Once he opened the door it was the last person he expected.



A/n: lil short chapter but half asleep writing this lmao!

Any briize here though? If so who's your bias? mines eunseok! I literally love that man😭. I'm actually seeing RIIZE on my bday I'm so excited ^~^! But I have a feeling it won't be ot7 😭.

Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!!! ~ 💞

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