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Present day:

"Thank you for coming! We love you!"

Another successful show the rising band 3RACHA has completed their last concert in Seoul, ending their era that got people talking.

"I think I went a little to hard on stage." One of the members named Changbin, was slipping his merch shirt on as his bare glowing chest was on full display for the crowd.

"You know our boss is going to scold you for taking off your shirt." Their leader, Chan chuckled at how Changbin could careless at the rules by the company.

"Hey, stay likes it. That's all that matter. Besides I've been working out gotta show stay my hard work." Changbin with a mischievous laugh knowing well his fans loved it.

"If anything they should scold Chan too, he practically has no shirt most of the time all his shirts are either cropped or skintight mesh." Jisung pointed out, knowing well Changbin will be the only one scolded.

"Those are stage outfits, but I feel like if Chan did what I did he wouldn't be scolded. He's like a teachers pet." Changbin huffed, tired from being treated differently by their boss.

"I'm not a teachers pet, I don't know why he treats Changbin differently than everyone else. I should talk to him about it." Chan definitely saw the mistreatment and always bothered him.

"It's okay Chan, it doesn't faze me. Don't want the boss mistreating you too." Changbin lying straight through his teeth as it did bother him a bit.

"One day Chan will open his own company and we'll be his first supporters. He'll treat everyone equally and with care." Jisung looked up to his hyung and respected him, waiting patiently to see his hyung's dream to open a company to finally happen.

"We'll see, but appreciate the faith. Come on the staff is waiting by the van." Chan from behind leads the two where security and the staff were.

They exit the building heading to the van many cheering fans gathered behind the gates to send the beloved idols off. Waving to their loyal fans before getting in the van.

"Hey Jeongin! Changbin greeting their manager as he takes his seat as did the other two.

Jeongin was younger than the idols he managed but barely meeting the age requirement to manage these boys. This wasn't his dream but for now he loved managing these three boys, watching them grow made him proud.

"Hey guys! You three did absolutely amazing tonight. But . . ." Jeongin pauses. "Boss wants to talk to you Changbin tomorrow morning about tonight." He watched the said boy throw his head back, sinking into his seat in annoyance.

"Yuh! I only gave what the fans wanted." Changbin wasn't irritated with his manager but taking his frustration out on him unintentionally.

"I know but can't change the boss's mind sadly." Jeongin knew well for that.

"Hey, let's try not to think about what's going to happen tomorrow. If he gets to rough on you I'll handle it myself." Chan despite be favorited, he would stand up for his friends.

"I will too, our boss has a stick up his ass all the time." Jisung cursed towards his boss, only thankful he even got in years ago.

"I love how you guys look out for each other, given why you guys have so many fans." Jeongin happily smiled.

"Of course." Chan returned a genuine smile, every action and word he means well. "Any schedules for this week?"

"Yes! Beside Changbin's meeting tomorrow morning, boss wants us to prepare for next comeback. All three of you have multiple meetings this week, along with having a scheduled outing with a special guest to feature in your next album." Jeongin was excited to tell the news to the eager three boys.

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