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"You're very romantic Lee Minho." A very well known model in Korea that has been confirmed dating the famous actor was being sat by the said boy at the most expensive five star restaurant there was.

"How so? Beautiful." Minho now looking at the menu.

"Well for one calling me beautiful, you've been a gentleman since you picked me up in your nice Ferrari. I see why your fans are so obsessed with you, you're a perfect man. We even shared our first kiss the other day by Han River, despite us getting outed." The woman spoke sweetly but behind those words were no more but trying to please her date for her own selfish desires.

"I'm not perfect" echoed within Minho's head.

"I'm flattered, I'm lucky to be on a date with the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Really, I'm shocked you even said yes to date me. Did I mentioned you were beautiful?" Minho playing with his words to please the girl, yes for selfish reasons as like her but his laid much deeper rather than for fame or good sex.

"Now I'm being flattered." The girl giggled with light blush tinting her cheeks. "You know, we're a power couple. Our fans would be pleased as we are right for each other. We both came from nothing and made it big, lots of fun and wealth we could have." The model puts his menu down, forcing him to look her in the eyes.

Nothing . . . . He felt nothing as he gazed into her eyes that definitely had an effect on the girl but Minho felt nothing.

"Even your gaze feels so warm, wow. Just as good as your acting, which you're doing right now." The model's words immediately snapping Minho out of it as no one has caught him acting while on his dates.


"Please, I've dated every top actor in the industry and just between us most of them doubled my age. I know how every date goes, to be honest I couldn't care less about the sex you all want from a model. I just want additional fame and money it comes with it. If you really want to make it to the top in Korea I can get you there, just by dating me and maybe marriage." She flutters her eyes and places her hand on the actor's.

"I don't want the fame and money like you." Was all Minho said before swiping his hand away and getting up to leave. "Oh and here's $30 for an Uber."

The girl was in shock to her offer being denied ever so quickly, anger fueling her insides.

"Money and fame . . . . Hasn't done me good." Minho quietly mumbles to himself while exiting the restaurant.


"Minho?!" Jisung's mouth was hung open as if he seen a ghost.

"You gonna let me in or just going to stand there?" Minho with an annoyed tone.

Jisung then realized how much his apartment was a mess, he panicked and slammed the door. "Sorry! One second!" He immediately went to stuffing and hiding all the clothes and shoes, throwing all the dishes into the sink, and throwing all any garbage away in the over flowing trash.

He then opens the door huffing and puffing to a confused actor.

"Come in. Uhm, I thought you weren't coming?" Jisung let the older in, closing the door behind him.

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