three. vampires

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three. vampires
@ vficsxx

WHEN THE AMBULANCES ARRIVED, Jeremy was standing by Vickys body which was laid on a table. The paramedics looked at the wound on her neck. A bite mark?

Athena noticed Stefan run off from everyone else, which caused her to be suspicious of him, considering everything she knew.

"Elena, I'm going to go home... make sure you and Jer get home safe," Athena said to Elena and she nodded.

Instead of going home, Athena went to the Salvatores house. She remembered where it was and walked there almost immediately. She noticed two boys fighting out in the yard. It was Stefan and Damon.

"What's going on? Care to explain what happened at the bonfire?" Athena ran over to them, mainly speaking to Stefan.

"Athena..." Damon looked at her, but his expression was different then the first time they met. It seemed softer, but she wasn't falling for any tricks he wanted to pull.

"Yeah, remember me you piece of shit?" she hissed back at him, then shook her head and looked back to Stefan, not wanting to get distracted. "Explain," she said. She could hardly believe she was even there, standing in front of them. She had been terrified and now she was confronting them because of the incident.

"Let us take you inside so we can all sit down and talk, yeah?" Stefan said with a small nod. Athena hesitated, but nodded. She followed the brothers inside, looking at Damon from behind.

She took a seat in a chair while they sat down on the couch. Damon took a sip of a drink he poured and offered her one. "I'm seventeen," she glared. "You wanna talk? Talk," she demanded them.

"Damon hurt Vicky, yes, but—" Stefan began, getting interrupted by the furious Athena. "But nothing! There's no excuse for that."

Damon looked at her. "Athena—"

"No. Either you stop hurting people, or I'll find out how to kill you myself, got it?" she hissed as she began to walk to the door, but Damon vamped himself in front of her. "Foxy. I like that, but you won't be able to kill me sweetheart," Damon smirked, making her look up to him with his finger under her chin.

"Watch me, shithead," she spat, shoving herself past him as she went outside, prepared to walk home.

"Athena's hot, dominate. And you want her sister, Elena instead?" Damon said, then whistled, looking at the door where Athena looked out. "I'd chase her if I were you," he said, then began to walk past Stefan but was stopped by his hand on his shoulder.

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