six. halloween troubles

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six. halloween troubles
@ vficsxx

"NO, ELENA. I'M NOT GOING!" ATHENA protested, yelling to Elena from inside her room, who was standing on the outside of the door.

Ever since Bonnie told her what she seen, she didn't want to do anything. She had been rethinking her entire life, wondering who her true parents were. Why was she lied to? When she asked Jenna about her parents, she said that she didn't even know Athena was adopted. Miranda and Grayson said that she was their baby.

"You have got to get out of this slump that you're in. Even Damon is wondering where you've been! Come on, you don't even need to dress up, please?" Elena went on, begging her. "Even Jeremy is coming."

"Fine, fine! I'll go, now stop antagonizing me before—"

"Calm down feisty pants, I'll leave you alone! Just make sure you get ready," Elena says, walking away from Athena's door as her laugh echoed throughout the hallway.

Athena rolled onto her back, looking up at the ceiling. Elena said she didn't have to dress up, but she couldn't just show up in her normal looking clothes. She sat up and walked to her closet, rubbing her eyes. She opened her closet doors and began looking through her clothing to find something decent enough.

Her choice landing on a black crop top, a black leather jacket, and black jeans with a chain going from one hoop to another. She rummaged through her halloween makeup and found some fake blood which she used to put on her neck and shirt.

She looked at herself one last time in the mirror before she headed out to what would probably be the most boring night of her life.

Athena ran out the house and into the car outside. Bonnie had offered to drive her, Elena, and Caroline to the party. Jeremy was already there because he wanted to keep a lookout for Vicky. Apparently after her accident when she was in the hospital, according to Matt at least, she was panicking over "vampires". Jeremy wanted to meet her at the dance and make sure she was okay. Neither Elena nor Athena has told Jeremy anything about vampires or what Damon did to Vicky. They wanted to protect him and no matter how many times they told him not to, he kept on going back to Vicky.

"I mean, why is the school even doing this anyways when people have been dying left and right?" Athena said as the group talked on the way there.

"We all know it's Damon's psycho ass!" Caroline laughed. "So why don't you stop drooling over him and realize we need to put him down.

Athena laughed, throwing her hands up in defense. "Okay, okay it isn't like I'm drooling over him! He's just... very hot."

Athena's words sent the entire car into a fit of laughter as they pulled up to the school.

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