chapter 1

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The bell on the door rang, Mr. Xiao shouts- yubin take the order for the table no. Six, and clear the tables for customers.. Yubin shouts.... Suuuuureee siiirr

Zhan enters the cafe.. he is back from his long, exhausting and awful trip..

Zhan walks in, hugs Mr. Xiao... Mr. Xiao smiled there is my little boy. How was your trip..

Trip, it was more like torcher... A brutal one..

Mr. Xiao laughing.. So did you get your idols autograph..
No I couldn't even take a good look at those masterpiece.. But seriously Mr. Xiao her paintings were amazing.. It felt like I understood the purpose , the emotions of those painting.. I wish I could see my goddess face to face ..
I aaaaamm so sad..

Mr. Xiao smiles.. I'm sure you'll get to meet again.. You are a curator , she is an artist.. There are a lot of chances your paths will cross..


*****Zhan is very playful with his grandparents, he adresses his grandpa as Mr. Xiao.. And mr. Xiao calls him little boy******

You want some coffee?

No, Mr. Xiao I have to reach the company by 11:00

You sure you don't want some coffee

I'm sure, I'll leave now byy Mr. Xiao

Byy little boy

Zhan leaves the cafe..... 3 sec later...
Zhan enters , I think I do need coffee..
Yubin chuckles.. Knew it,.

Zhan leaves after taking his coffee..
At lively museum..
Whatsup senior.. How r u doing

I'm good zhan, you are back, enjoyed the trip? I heard it went pretty well..

it did , not gonna lie I don't have words to describe the Art's of wang ziyi .. She is an actual goddess..

Well , I wanna see her too ( senior sighs)

You should senior , she is amazing.. In every way..

Staff enters..
Boss want you guys in the meeting room.. You have 2 minutes..

Meeting room...

Well you guys did a great job, ziyi was impressed by how smooth the evening passed.. Good job zhan.. As expected from you.. .... ... Dinner is on the company tonight have fun..

.... ..


At ziyi's..

Kuan enters with a cup of coffee .. How was your day babe.. Handing the coffee to ziyi

It was a great day.. Everything was perfect today.. I really liked how well that curator arranged for the exhibition.. Nothing was messed up this time..

Sipping on her coffee.. How was your day sweetheart..

Like always..

Nothing special

Guess what


Yibo and sizhui didn't fight today..

Ziyi amazed.. Seriously, well that's a breaking news.. where are they

I don't's way to quit

Something is not right I'll check

I'll come with you
Sizhui's room
Kuan knocks..
It's me..
Come in come in
Kuan and ziyi enters the room
They are shock on seeing what was going on in the room..
Ziyi bursted out laughing
Kuan chuckled..yibo is that you..
Seriously yibo I can't....
Ziyi laughing: did you do this...
Yibo was duck taped to Sizhui's poster laying in the corner of his room while sizhui was reading a book calmly on his bed..


Y : Huh! You think you can win against me in my game ..what joke
S : What, too afraid to step up?
Y : afraid of you , are you dreaming ..
S : if I win
Y : I'll do anything you say..
But if I win..
S : don't waste you energy on thinking..
Let's start

It was about bike racing video game
Sizhui was a gamer .. where as yibo was a professional racer.. it was easy for sizhui to win..yibo couldn't believe his eyes..
You hacked the game didn't you..

What..thinking of going back on your words

Sizhui you...

Yibo what do you hate the most

You ofcourse ..
As you said if you'll do as I say..
Huh you cheater ..come on you think I'm afraid of you..
You see that poster ( Sizhui pointing at his poster )

Who that monkey with a helmet on..yibo chuckled..
Yes , go hug him ..
What, you lost ..keep your a man..
Yibo sarcastically..Ok.. it was your day
Hugging this plastic stand no big deal..
As yibo hugged his poster..sizhui duck taped yibo with his poster...
Yibo in disgust.. what in the world do you think you are
Yibo struggled as sizhui shut his mouth using duck tape .
Flashback ends..

Sizhui explained kuan about what had happened
He has been sitting here for the past three hours..
A cleaner enters..Younger master..I'm cleaning right now.. if you have something to get rid of..
Sizhui said yes take the trash out please pointing at yibo who was laying helpless duck taped to the poster.
Yibo mumbled inside the tape ..HOW DARE YOU SIZHUI
Ziyi laughed at there silliness..alright guys.. sizhui let yibo go.. and come down for will be here any second..
Sizhui sighed.. and freed yibo..lucky you
Damn you..yibo taking a deep breath
I'll ...
Sizhui again covered his mouth with tape as he was going to speak and left..
Yibo speechless..

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.. Catherin..

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