chapter 8

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Xiao zhan was heart broken
Even though he acted as if it didn't bother him, he was hurt.. He expected
Linjiao to come back to her senses and apologize to him.. And how could his heart settle after being cheated on by someone he loved for half his life.. Xiao zhan went home to his grandparents.. Yubin was in the cafe working.. He went to mr. Xiao and hugged him..

So you finally remember you have a grand father...
I'm home Mr. Xiao.. I missed you a lot
He couldn't hold back his tears anymore.. He cried hugging him..
What happened little boy.. Why are crying.. Did something happen at work..
Zhan sobbing.. I just missed you..
I missed you too my dear.. Here look at me.. Now speak.. What happened..
Zhan told him every single thing that happened in the past few days..

Mr. Xiao sighed.. Look my little boy.. What is yours will be yours.. it Will come back to you no matter what.. And don't hold back onto something that was never yours.. If you try to hold onto something that never considered you as hers.. Then it will hurt you.. So my little boy wipe these tears.. She was just a passerby in your life.. Who knows.. Maybe god has better plans for.. You know in life you will come across so many people.. And it's you who have to acknowledge who is meant for you.. Who is right for you.. Who only want to be yours..

You know how I knew mrs. Xiao was the one who I wanted to spend my whole life with..
when I met your grand mother I was 23 years old at that time.. She was from a rich family.. I met her through our friends.. We didn't like each other at all , we fought all the time.. As time passed we became comfortable around eachother .. I was invited to her uncles anniversary .. I got bullied by their relatives for being from a poor family.. She stood up for me.. She fought her elders for me.. That was the first time i felt my heart beating so fast.. She unexpectedly looked very charming.. I admired her starting that day.. With time my feelings towards her changed into love.. I was scared of confessing because I thought why would she like someone like me.. She was just kind.. I thought.. I didn't say anything because I thought It was her kindness.. And I didn't want to mistake it for love.. And then I heard she was getting engaged.. My heart ripped into pieces.. I thought It was for good she will have a good family and be happy..  I decided to leave the country i couldn't bare seeing her becoming someone elses wife .. But I didn't want to leave like that.. I went to bid her my last goodbye.. That's when she told me that she was forced to get married.. And she loved me.. I was stunned i thought what if I had left without saying goodbye .. I confessed my feelings too.. she had loved me all along.. She suggested that we run away.. That day I realized that mrs. Xiao trusted me enough to leave her luxurious life behind and decided to be with me to trust me for her future
.. She was willing to give up everything for me.. And I didn't want to let her down.. So I persuade her father I worked hard .. And proved myself that I was worthy of her...
You know all this we have.. I couldn't have done it.. If it wasn't for her..
You know we have been through a lot to be together.. Maybe it's the same way you will find your love.. Maybe you had to break up with her.. Because your other half is still out there waiting for you.. You just have to let your heart lead the way..
Xiao zhan felt his heart calming down.. What he went through is nothing compared to what his grandparents did for love..
He convinced himself that it was for good.. He decided to leave the past behind and move on with his life..
I get it Mr. Xiao.. Maybe she was not the one.. Maybe what's mine will come to me.. He gave Mr. Xiao a reassuring smile that he is fine..
Later that night
It's Mr. Xuan's companies 60 years of success party.. Every one was busy connecting with each other at the party.. Many businessman from all around the world attended the party.. Mr. Qiren with his son hai kuan attended the party.. Many people from entertainment industries were also invited..
Xuan lu.. Arrived on the venue and was surrounded by my people greeting her.. A sudden silence surrounded the party.. Everyone was looking at the same direction it was mr. Xuan..
Mr. Xuan appeared on the stage and greeted people present their.. As it was a gathering of great people.. Media didn't back up.. Someone asked Mr. Xuan about her her daughter's recent troubles.. In the middle of his speech.. Mr. Xuan's assistant tried saving the situation.. But Mr. Xuan
Announced ..
.. It's true.. My daughter is getting notorious day by day..
So i have confirmed her marriage..
She will get married soon..
Mr. Xuan left the stage and joined the party leaving media with a lot of questions...
Lulu rushed to her dad who was sitting in the vip section.. She yelled
Pa you can't do this to me..
You can't force me to get married because of those people..
Why not.. You are 26 already.. If not now then when.. I have chosen a list of people.. Pick one and get married..
Xuan lu.. With tears in her eyes started begging her father to let her off this last time but he didn't seem to want to listen to her..
Her hope faded.. She was about to give up..
But a sudden voice made them turn their heads in shock..

Xuan lu turned her head.. It was yuchen.. She stood there looking at him.. Lost in her thought with tears in her eyes..
He approached them..
Mr. Xuan you can't get her married..
And why is that.. Mr. Xuan questioned..

Because we are in love.. He held her hand forcing her to Kneeldown with him.. Mr. Xuan i love your daughter.. We recently had a little fight which ended up in the news.. Please don't do us apart.. She has been avoiding marriage because of me.. Mr. Xuan please consider our feelings.. We love each other a lot..

Is it true Mr. Xuan's asked.. Making Lulu come back to her senses.. She blurted out yes.. It's true..

.. If it's true then I won't come between you.. But if I find you in other troubles.. I will disown you... Do you understand..
It will never happen pa.. A smile appeared on her face and she hugged Mr. Xuan..
Yuchen smiled at the loving father and daughter.. He stood up bowing down to her father and she joined him.. She held him arm and left the party with him..

After driving for a while yuchen stopped his car.. So how was my acting.. Lulu laughed.. It was perfect.. But Why did you help me.. I insulted you and even slapped you.. It was my fault for ruining your dress isn't that why we ended up making a scene.. I had to help you.. I'd feel bad if you had to go through that because of my fault.. Lulu smiled.. Thank you so much.. You helped me a lot.. If you ever need me.. I am just one call away..
Now it's up to you Ms lu..
What is up to me..
You need to act like you are in love with me.. And keep away from getting into trouble..
I think my father is going to trouble you a lot.. I saw him smiling.. Do you mind..
I don't actually.. And I think we will be meeting a lot.. So how about becoming friends
Lulu laughed... Then Drive me home friend..
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.. Catherin..

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