chapter 14

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4 days have passed after they arrived at Shanghai..

Zhan is at the museum preparing for the exhibition, he had been working hard and payed extra attention to every small detail put into his work.. He wanted the exhibition to be the best one from every other exhibition ever been held before in China..

Zhan has barely had any rest after he arrived at Shanghai.. He is almost done with his work.. He sends ziyi the picture of the display and decorations.. Receiving zhan's texts ziyi called zhan

Zhan it looks wonderful as expected from you.

ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ.. I'm happy you like it jia

You have worked hard zhan , take care of yourself too

Mnm jia

Finally I'm going to get some sleep,, I'm hungry too, zhan left the museum and went to the nearest restaurant to treat himself a good deserving meal.. He took a table sat down for his meal and called lulu while eating..

Lulu didn't pick up instead she texted him saying she would call back in an hour...

Zhan called a-cheng..
Gege I'm in class right now.. I'll call back later..
Ahh ok okk..

Zhan was bored and scrolled through his phone... He has just had his lunch and left the restaurant he was on his way to wx hotel where he was staying.. He was passing by the place where yibo was staying.. Zhan wondered.. What yibo has been doing all this time..

He wanted to visit yibo but with what reason.. Zhan was nowhere near yibo's league.. And he wasn't close enough to just randomly stop by.. Zhan started having random thoughts..

Just then he saw yibo and yuchen standing at the entrance.. Zhan quickened his walking.. Zhan wanted to talk to yibo,, zhan stopped suddenly he was at a 20 step distance from from them,, he stopped and saw something he had never seen before.. He saw yibo smile.. He saw the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.. Every thing seemed to stop around him.. He just stood there looking at yibo smile so sweetly.. Zhan couldn't move.. He stood there until he could no longer see yibo.. He already went back to his room..

Zhan got back his senses and walked up to yuchen, who was about to get in his car..

Mr.. Yuchen zhan called out..

Yuchen look at the person who could recognize him even in his mask and glasses..

Yuchen saw zhan and recognized him instantly... "Miss Lu's friend"

Zhan smiled.. Hi Mr. Chen,, you are here.. Are you shooting somewhere near??

Um no.. Mr..

Aah I'm zhan.. Xiao zhan

Aah, Zhan just call me chen.. I'm not good with the Mr. Thing yuchen smiled at zhan..

Zhan smiled and nodded at the man

Zhan asked ,, are you here to visit mr. yibo..

Aah yes, I came to check up on his health..

His health, is something wrong ?

Aah so apparently he had an heart attack.. That's what he.....

WHAT.. HE HAD AN HEART ATTACK..!! I'll go check up on him.. Zhan ran before chen could complete his sentence..

Zhan knocked at his door...
a very attractive young woman opened the door.. Zhan looked at the women in confusion..

Who is it mian-mian?
Yibo appeared from behind..

Zhan looked at yibo and bowed greeting him ..
Sir, I heard about your health.. So i came to check up..

Mian-mian went back to her table, she was having her lunch, she sat and stared at the man and then at yibo..

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