chapter 9

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Yibo was at the company attending a meeting, he sighed looking at the file took a look at the employees ... Is this all you can do .. He threw to file on the employees face.. The meeting room got silent with people trembling in fear..
( yibo has a very calm & goofy personality which he only shows to his family and yuchen.. For other people yibo is a terrifying, heartless and a cold person, who doesn't give a shit about peoples feelings.. People who work for him are terrified of him and avoid confronting him, last time an employee got into an argument with yibo .. People say he still couldn't find a job regardless of how capable he is..)

Yibo threw the file on his employees face giving them a deadly stare .. I give you two more days come up with something that doesn't give a headache to look at or.. Submit your resignation letter.. Yibo got up leaving the meeting room .. he was on his way to the parking lot he took his car and drove off .. He was on his way to wang  mansion he suddenly stopped his car spotting a familiar figure.. He saw the owner of lively museum.. He stopped his car for a good 10 minutes hoping to see something or someone with that familiar figure.. But to his disappointment the owner was alone having his lunch .. Annoyed for not knowing why he is annoyed he took his phone and started searching about lively museum on the social media after searching for a while he spotted xiao zhan in a group photo.. He checked the tags and opened xiao zhan's profile.. Scrolling through his photos a smile appeared on his face but his face dropped when he saw a picture of him kneeling down in front of a woman with flowers in his hands.. The womens face was invisible so he thought it was xuan lu.. Frustrated he blurted out this women, I look way better than her.. Putting down his phone in jealousy he went straight home.. Yibo went straight to his room taking off his clothes.. His blood was boiling he didn't know what exactly got him this terrible type of chest pain.. He went to the washroom to take a cold shower..

After a long shower he still had the same feeling.. The shower could decrease the pain he got in his chest.. He called his personal doctor..

Hello dr. Jili
Yes Mr. Yibo..
Doctor I've a chest pain..
Did you take any supplements for that..
No doctor..
What did you have in breakfast..
I was rushing so had some fruits..
Hmm.. When did the pain start..
Today like 2 hours ago.. No I've had a similar type of pain since last last week it just increased today..
Any symptoms, like vomiting or fever..
No doctor it's just pain in the chest..
Mr. Yibo do you feel nauseous..
I feel eritated..
I see.. Mr. Yibo.. What did you come across when you first had this feeling..
I don't really remember..
And when the pain increased..
I was driving back home..
Mr. Yibo I think you are stressed... Unless
Unless you were thinking about someone..
What do you mean???
I mean to say that maybe this feeling is because of someone..
I don't understand..
Think about it yourself.. I can't prescribe medicines for this cause dr. Jili said with a chuckle.. And hung up..

Yibo was left behind thinking..
At zhan's..
Zhan was basically free from his work.. He was hired by ziyi to personally work for her and is free right now which means zhan is also free... he was helping yubin in the cafe 
.. Noticing zhan yubin asked .. What happened zhan.. Are you sick .. You look pale and a lot skinner.. Zhan put up a fake smile.. Do I.. I think you should take a rest zhan I'll take care of the customers, how about you go out and get some fresh air.. Zhan was really all out today, so he just nodded, took off his apron and went outside he needed to talk to someone so he went to Lulu's house..

Door bell rings..
Lulu opens the door.. Ooh zhan come in you came at the right time.. I was talking to dad , come say hii.. They went to the couch in front of Lulu's laptop.. He sat down to greet uncle xuan.. Hello uncle.. Hii zhan, how are you.. I'm fine uncle how about you.. I'm fine too dear.. Uncle you look really happy did something good happen.. You are asking me like you didn't know, zhan why didn't you tell me lulu and yuchen where in love..
Zhan widening his eyes turned towards lulu.. Zhan be careful you'll break your neck .. And your eye balls will pop out.. Zhan awkward laughing.. You told dad.. Haha uncle she was just scared you might not like yuchen's profession.. Aah is that so.. Anyways how is Mr. & Mrs. Xiao.. They're fine uncle, they are doing good.. Good then.. You guys talk I'm heading out.. Okay uncle see you..
So, do you have something to tell me..
a-zhan yesterday at party some reporters asked about me during dad's speech.. So dad announced my marriage.. I was begging dad to not do that but he was really determined to marry me off.. So yuchen helped me.. He said we were in a relationship to help me out of the situation... Aah he came like your guardian angel ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ... Yeah you can say that..
But what if your dad finds out it's all fake ... He won't after maybe one or two months I'll tell dad we broke up..
Then what about yuchen.. I'll talk to him about this later..

A-zhan i forgot to ask you.. Why Did you come here .. Aah that .. I was talking a walk and thought of dinner so I came to ask you.. Oowh.. A-zhan I own yuchen a dinner.. You mind if he joins.. Yeah I don't mind.. Ok I'll change .. Wait 5 minutes.. a-zhan text yuchen for me.. Ok..
A-zhan I'm ready wait, you're going like this,, yeah what's wrong with this.. No no no.. I want to take a lot of pictures.. You know there is a restaurant with a very nice view.. Wait I have an oversized coat.. Lulu runs towards her room grabs her coat and a Cologne.. Put this on.. And spray this .. Zhan sighs and puts on the coat.. How about now.. Good, Lulu nods in approval.. Now let's go I'm hungry..
Lulu and zhah headed to the parking lot... A-zhan you drive I'm wearing heels.. Ok ok, Lulu you are getting annoying day by day .. Lulu teasing zhan , you still put up with me .. They left for the restaurant.. Lulu.. Mhnn.. I forgot to tell you yuchen said he was with a friend, and asked if his friend could join.. I said yes since you are also going with me.. Oowh Lulu fiddling on her phone.. Zhan looked at Lulu.. Did you even hear, what I said.. Yeah yeah I did.. Aah Lulu you will destroy your eyes if you keep playing on your phone.. Lulu putting down her phone.. Yes teacher I got it.. It's a 30 minute drive I'll take a nap.. Go ahead..
Aah Lulu we're here but I think it's closed, I don't see anyone.. Lulu yawning.. It's because I booked the whole place.. WHAT!! .. What you want me to be seen with yuchen again, no thanks.. Oowh.. Let's go zhan..
Lulu and zhan were the only people in the building except the workers there.. They were admiring the view from the 50th floor building.. The night sky looks beautiful said zhan looking at the sky leaning on the protective side of the edge of the roof top.. Lulu was taking pictures of the stars.. It does.. I'm hungry how long do we have to wait zhan asked Lulu.. Idk .. After about 5 minutes.. A voice called out ms. Lu..

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