chapter 2

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At dinning hall..
All wang family was sitting together eating..

Qiren asked how was the exhibition ziyi..I heard it went very well..

Ziyi satisfied said.. It was the best one chaos..everything was perfect..

Really.. you arranged it ?..

No dad ...Some curator arranged it ..he works at lively museum..

Umhm , everyone was talking about how talented you are ,

Thanks dad but the effort was not all mine ... the curator preparing to present it was very talented too

then if you want I can hier that  curator ..moreover the person who owns lively museum was a friend of mine back in our school days also you're going to be even more busy in the upcoming days ..
It would be nice dad
Then it's done..

Also sizhui how are your classes going on any problem at university..

No dad everything is fine

What about you yibo..are you done with that project you were working on..

Yes dad almost done.. we can expect big profits from it..

It's good then

Kuan are you free tomorrow..
No dad.. I've a meeting with CG corporations.. and then I've to attend their dinner party too.. I'll be free ...I'll not be free ...

Then yibo are you free tomorrow..yes dad I am .. do you want me to do something..

Yes yes accompany ziyi to lively museum tomorrow and hier those people who arranged for her art exhibition..

Ok dad..



Next morning, at zhan's
Mr.xiao are you done I'm running late

almost done ..wait.. here take this tea and don't overwork yourself you'll get wrinkles if you think too hard
Mr.xiao I turned 26 ..7 days ago you are treating me like I'm 62 already..
He is work too much..
Mrs.xiao handed zhan a tiffin box and said must finish everything ..
I will ..
It's already 7:38 if I don't reach company  before 8 ..I'll be done with my job .. this will be my 12th time being late this month...
I'm leaving Mr.xiao bye
Take care dear
At wangs..
Jia long are you going to take I've been waiting for 20 minutes already..
Yibo bored called ziyi..
10 more minutes..I'll be done
OK I'm ready.. let's go
Zhan reaches the company..people were all busy preparing for something..he went straight to his senior ..who was standing at a distance talking with other employees..
Zhan asked ..senior what is going on ..

Zhan boss told us to prepare for some importent people will be coming ..
. you know who
Nah I don't
OK. Nevermind.  Let's get back to work..
At about 10 am wang yibo with his sister in law ziyi reached lively museum
Before they could enter yibo got a call from one of his clients ..yibo told ziyi to proceed and he'll come inside after he is done with the call..
Ziyi nodded and entered the company..
The boss of lively asked his assistant to welcome's daughter in law..
Ziyi with the assistant went to meet dad's friend also the owner..

Zhan was working on his desk looking all tired.. stretched his arms ..looking around he saw a crowd ..people looked excited..

Zhan asked senior what is going on ..pointing at the direction..

senior clueless got up to check ..zhan followed they were about to step outside he saw his idol ..the goddess of art ..he saw ziyi with his boss walking towards there direction..

Zhan was he thought he was dreaming.. ziyi passed by him.. And went straight to his boss's office
Senior did I see this right.. You saw what I saw right...
Senior was speechless seeing ziyi he was stunned..
A staff came running towards senior..
Senior you are called to the office.. It's very Important..
Zhan I'll be back you.... Do what you want...

SENIOR i want to see ziyi tooo!!!
He saw senior leaving..
Zhan annoyed... He called lulu..
Lulu do know what I saw today
What did you see
Guess what I saw
You saw your hairfall.. Right
NOO... Guess seriously
You saw ziyi I guess
Of course I know you were preparing for her art exhibition.. Who else you gonna see..
Not that... I saw ziyi today in the company.. She was talking to boss..
Finally your fanboy soul can rest in peace...
Zhan headed to the canteen while he was still on the phone with lulu.. He was carrying a few boxes in his one hand and held his phone in another..
Yibo was done with his call
He came inside the company..
He took the elevator.. To the 13th floor..
The elevator gate opens.. Zhan was still talking to lulu.. While yibo was looking at something in his phone.. Inside the elevator.. Not noticing yibo zhan stepped on yibo shoe while yibo was in pain.. Zhan turned his head to see what had happened ... He saw Wang yibo looking at his feet .. Zhan panicked.. He saw his career flash in front of his eyes.. He stumbled and was about to fall.. Yibo pulled him as the elevator doors were about to close.. They fell and yibo ended up on top of zhan.. Yibo's hands were holding zhan's wrist and his face was inches away from zhan's neck.. Yibo could smell zhan's sweet sent.

He looked up to see zhan.. His eyes were shut zhan had hit his head and was in pain.. He tried helping zhan.. As zhan opened his eyes he realised that he had stepped on WANG YIBO'S FEET...... IT WAS WANG YIBO....
Zhan came back to his senses he stood up at the speed of light and bowed 90° to show yibo respect.. Yibo was still on the ground looking at zhan.. Yibo was speechless to see that a guy who was half unconscious 3 seconds ago same guy active as the reaper was right behind him...

Yibo laughed sarcastically..
Zhan helped him up and apologized to him

Sir are you fine.. Zhan said panicking..
zhan was terrified....yibo yelled are you dumb... Try using your eyes... He yelled at zhan angrily

Zhan was sweating out of terror he didn't dare look at yibo's face.. He was silent.. Yibo looked at zhan .. He looked like he was about to be stabbed to death.. Zhan was still bowing 90° yibo saw zhan's Id hanging out of his pocket he took out his Id..

Xiao zhan
.. Senior curator
Don't let me see you again.

Yibo left the elevator angrily..
Zhan fell down and grinned in pain his head was bleeding.. He fainted..
Yibo went to where ziyi was .. Ziyi on seeing yibo.. Yibo here... Why are you so late.. I thought you left..
I ran into some idiot on my way..
Are you done here.. Yibo asked
Not yet.. I checked about the curators background.. He seems like a decent guy.. Senior was present there.. He is good guy.. He is quite talented.. Boss told senior to call the curator in his office..

Some staff came inside.. And said.. Boss... Senior curator is not here..

Didn't he come this morning.
No boss he came.. It's that we found him unconscious in the elevator.. His head was bleeding.. They took him to the hospital just a few minutes ago..
Yibo upon hearing this felt a little guilty.. A sudden pain in his chest..
WHAT!!!.. Boss exclaimed.. He told senior to go check on him in the hospital.. Take care of the bills and grant him some leave..

Sure sir.. Senior left..

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.. Catherin..

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