chapter 15

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Finally my work here is done.. Zhan stretched out his arms, wow it is going to be great.. Zhan looked around happily on how good the results turned out.. Zhan was not confident when he confirmed his idea of the ancient time aesthetics for the decoration but his crooked ways worked out wonderfull..

It was 9 in the morning.. Last night after yibo left, zhan came back to the museum to finish off his leftover work..

Now that the work is finally done and there is still some time before the wangs arrival.. Let's celebrate..

Zhan Went to his favorite food vendor to have breakfast.. After his breakfast he sat at a random alcohol shop to wear off his stress and tiredness, he orderd some alcohol since he was in a good mood he decided to get a drink.. Scrolling through his phone he forget to keep count of his drinks..

He finally came out of his daze of overthinking of tomorrows events when his phone rang..


Hello zhan..

Yes, who is this?

It's me yibo, ok listen I came outside but i forgot to bring my phone.. Bring it for me.. My room's Passcode is 9791 and I am at the race track.. Shanghai international circuit...



Zhan got a bit tipsy after his drinks.. Processing his phone call for a minute he got up and some how reached yibo's place took his phone and headed towards the given location..

A journey of 30 minutes.. Zhan reached after an hour.. The staff let him enter.. He went inside and saw yibo on his bike.. He took a seat.. Took a seat and fell asleep..

Zhan.. Zhan..
Xiao zhan are you drunk..

Zhan opned his eyes..


Nhmm..what are you doing here..

Aah i came to give phone his yibo.. No no give yibo his yibo.. Nooo give yibo his phone, zhan smiled at his correct answer.. sizhui i have a very secretive question to ask you are you capable enough to answer it..

sizhui smiled, ask away I want to know too.. If I'm capable enough..

Ok then listen careful.. Where is the..

The what?

The washroom

(〃^ω^〃) .. Hehe you are so cute when you are drunk.. The washroom is there, come I'll help you..

After helping zhan to the washroom sizhui took zhan to yibo's dressing room.. He helped him lay on the couch and came back to the race track...

Yibo was done with his practice, he went back to his dressing room.

He sighed.. took off his suit, threw it on the couch and put on a towel.. A small tiny sound replied to his suit.. Yibo turned around.. He saw zhan sleeping soundly on the couch..

Xiao zhan..

Zhan on hearing yibo's voice stood up straight at the speed of light and bowed 90° .. Zhan remained in this position for a while..

Yibo approached zhan..


Zhan went back to his 180° and fell on top of yibo..

Oh my god.. You reek of alcohol..

Yibo pushed back zhan to the couch and went to get zhan some water....

With yibo's sudden push.. Zhan Sobered up.. Wtf.. What just happened..

Here take this..

Zhan looked up to see a naked yibo with just a towel covering his very importent parts.. His six packs were  right in front of his face.. Zhan couldn't move.. He froze at the scene.. Yibo crouched down to get zhan's attention back..

Here drink water..

Yibo fixed zhan's messy hair.. Why did you drink so much.. Zhan's brain stopped working on the sweet words and the caring touches of his somehow also boss..

Yibo looked him in the eyes.. Creased zhan's cheeks.. These actions of yibo made zhan feel protected.. His heart started to race.. So fast that yibo could easily hear his heart beat.. Zhan lost his conscious mind and kissed the man in front of him.. But the man did not return his kiss.. Zhan parted their, lips and looked at yibo..

Yibo was too stunned to even move.. His chest pain Is back.. But this time he wants it.. He likes this pain.. This type of pain is what his heart desired.. Yibo looked at zhan who suddenly parted their lips and took this pain away.. Yibo couldn't bare this emptyness.. He pulled zhan by the collor and kissed him aggressively yet passionately.. Zhan knew what he was doing was wrong and could lead him to lose his job.. But this moment was so precious for some reason.. They kissed each other like this could come to an end any second.. Zhan's hand ran through yibo's back while yibo pulled zhan closer by his waist.. Eating each other out like they belonged to each other, their moans echoed in the room..

When suddenly yibo realized what he was doing.. He was taking advantage of a drunk person.. He pushed zhan back to the couch and rushed out of the room..

Zhan came back to his senses.. What have I done.. I forced a kiss on my boss.. Zhan got up and left immediately.. He just wanted to disappear..

zhan left ... left immediately.. He was scared..................... And sad,

How could I kiss a guy.. A guy who is my boss.. Oow my fucking god what have I done.. Have I officially lost it... Zhan head flooded with these thoughts... All now he wanted was the ground to split open and swallow his existence..

Zhan panicked.. He marched back and forth in his apartment.. What should I do now.. Aah forget it  ,,, YES FORGET IT... I'll pretend to not remember anything, I'll tell him I was drunk and didn't remember anything.. I'll just ignore him as long as I can... Let's do this... This is all I can do..

next morning...

it is a very important day for the wangs ..

the exhibition will start in just an hour.. i hope everything goes  well ... this day is very important  for jie .. all the guests have started arriving.. all the wangs are also here but .. i don't see him... will he be late..

zhan thought while he greeted the guests

the exhibition has begun he is still not here....

jie is giving speech, why is he still not here

it is almost time, he is going to miss it.. should i give him a call

i'll just .... leave it ... leave it... he might be busy..




hello sir , the exhibition is about to

 end.. are you not coming?

no i am not at shanghai.. i came back for some business

ohh ok si....






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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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