chapter 10

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A voice called out.. Ms. Lu .. Zhan and Lulu turned to the direction of the voice.. Yuchen approached them with his well built, tall, and insanely handsome friend.. It was yibo.. Yuchen came with yibo.. Xuan lu greeted them and walked over to their seat.. Yuchen was not expecting to see xiao zhan there .. He thought Lulu and the person she came with are a couple.. yibo's eyes were stuck on xiao zhan he thought the same .. when last time he saw him with xuan lu they were hugging each other and on his ig post her was kneeling down for her.. He thought they were in a relationship..

Taking their seat they ordered the food yuchen and Lulu got along pretty well they laughed and talked through out the night yibo and zhan were silent.. Zhan was looking at her friend happy talking to yuchen a smile appeared on his face he remembered his time with linjiao.. Zhan was observing them while yibo's gaze was stuck on zhan the feeling he had this morning appeared again when he saw zhan smiling at Lulu ... He was jealous.. Controlling himself he asked the waiter to bring some alcohol .. They all enjoyed the dinner and were drunk.. lulu and yuchen competed in whose drinking capacity is more and yibo drank out of jealousy,, zhan didn't drink much he was lost in his thoughts..  He didn't know when the time had passed it was 1 am lulu was drunk talking to yuchen.. Zhan for the first time through the night looked at yibo who was starring at him with his eyes blood red.. Their eyes finally met.. Yibo putting down his glass of alcohol got up saying I wanna leave.. But he had drunk too much to stand up straight and was about to fall but he was caught by a pair of hands .. Zhan spoke Mr. Yibo you can't leave like this, it might be dangerous.. Comforting himself in his warm embrace yibo looked at his eyes.. He could see his reflection in his eyes .. His scent was not the same.. He moved closer to zhans neck.. Now he could smell the same scent he had smelled on their first encounter..
Yibo closed his eyes and fell asleep on zhans shoulder zhan looked at yuchen who didn't look like he could talk neither did lulu.. He took yibo to one of the vip rooms since lulu had booked the entire place he carried him to the bed and was about to leave when yibo pulled him back .. Yibo's eyes were closed he was saying something.. Zhan curiously reached towards yibo to hear what he was trying to say.. Everything got suddenly silent not able to hear anything zhan turned towards yibo to find him staring at him.. Yibo who was already holding zhan.. slowly pulled zhan closer and pinned him on the bed and landed on top of zhan .. Zhan was too stunned to speak.. He looked at yibo with wide eyes.. yibo was reaching his hand towards zhans neck.. Zhan's heartbeat increased .. He started breathing heavily.. He didn't know how to react to a situation he has never been in before.. and being a guy makes it even more weird.. With a lot of thoughts surrounding his mind .. He pushed yibo out of panick and yibo who fell on the floor was grinning in pain .. And suddenly realized.. Oh shit!!! he is WANG YIBO.. 
Thankfully yibo was too drunk to react.. He just fell asleep on the floor
Zhan picked him up making sure he was comfortable he helped him to the bed and left the room.. To help lulu and yuchen ..

but to his surprise they were gone.. He called lulu on her phone but her phone was still on the table where they were having dinner.. Frustrated zhan he asked the waiters if they had seen them.. The waiters nodded in no.. Zhan asked them to search for them.. After a few hours of searching the staff informed zhan that they had already left .. Zhan got all worried he called yuchen on Lulu's phone.. this time the other side answered.. It was Mr. Xuan's assistant..
Hello Mr. Yuchen..
Mr. Chen is sleeping zhan.. I'm su she
Uncle su she..
You are picking up his phone?? Is he with you??
Yes zhan.. Mr. Xuan told me to keep an eye on ms. Lu .. He thought she was lying about her dating Mr. Yuchen..
I was doing my job.. Don't worry both of them are safe here, Mr. Xuan is here too.. You want to talk to him??
It's fine uncle.. It's late.. Let them rest..
Ok zhan you should get home safe too..
Zhan sighed in relief.. And went to check on yibo..
He entered the room it was almost 6 in the morning.. He thought of leaving him a note before exiting the place.. He saw yibo sleeping comfortably and then suddenly remember the incident from last night.. He got all hot.. And shook his head to stop thinking about it.. he was going to write a note but couldn't find a pen.. And went to check if yibo had a pen.. Yibo did have a pen in his shirts pocket.. Zhan reached out his hand to get the pen.. Yibo suddenly caught his hand.. Zhan got goosebumps by the sudden movement of yibo.. Yibo opened his eyes and then closed his eyes he let go zhan's hand and turned away.. Zhan caught his hand again and reached his other hand to yibo's forehead ... He was burning with fever.. Zhan said Mr. Yibo.. You're burning with fever..
Wait I'll call the doctor.. Yibo caught his hand... Don't... But you don't seem well sir... Pass me my phone... Zhan got up to get yibo's phone.. Here, he handed him, his phone .. Yibo called dr. Jili.. And asked him to visit him at his location.. After talking yibo hung up.. And went back to sleep.. Xiao zhan left.. Yibo turned back he saw xiao zhan leaving .. For some reason he didn't want him to leave.. He kept staring at the door after a while of staring the door opened dr. Jili came inside the room.. He gave yibo some medicine and asked him about the young guy standing outside.. Yibo asked what guy.. Didn't yuchen leave.. No it was not yuchen.. He said his name is xiao zhan.. Yibo's eyes lit up.. He is still here.. Jili said yeah he was waiting downstairs for me.. He asked me if I was here for you.. Yibo sat straight .. Dr. You can leave now.. I'll go home too.. Dr. Jili said ok but dont drive yourself.. Call your driver..
Hmm.. I'll take my leave then..
And Dr. On your way tell that guy to come inside..
Sir.. Did you call for me.. Nmhm.. Come in.. Zhan approached yibo.. Why didn't you leave.. Yibo questioned zhan.. Sir i work for mrs. Wang ziyi.. So.. That means you are my boss too.. Yibo didn't like the way zhan thought of him.. Can you drive.. Yibo asked.. Zhan answered.. Yes sir i can drive.. Then drive me home.. He asked zhan handing his keys to zhan.. Zhan nodded and they left the place.. It was quite in the car.. Yibo was sitting in the front seat beside zhan.. He looked lost and kept looking at his phone.. Zhan noticing yibo's red eyes.. Sir you should avoid looked at screens.. Your eyes will hurt.. Yibo looked at zhan.. Zhan felt like he had crossed the line.. Opened his mouth to apologize.. Yibo cut him off.. Don't call me sir it sounds weird.. Ok then Mr. Yibo.. Not that either, just yibo is fine, I am a year younger then you.. Zhan looked at yibo.. How did you know that sir.. Yibo looked at zhan with confused eyes.. Don't you remember.. Zhan was confused.. Remember what?
You really don't remember.. Yibo I don't get what you are saying.. So he doesn't remember what happened in the elevator, yibo thought..

Yibo Changing the subject.. Nothing .. Just drive without questions.. Here drive me to this location..

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