chapter 7

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The same person he saw that day.. Xuen lu was hugging xiao zhan and her hugged her back.. Yibo.. Fell a sudden pain in his chest.. It was the same feeling when he first saw xiao zhan..
Yuchen spoke.. So it is because of this person she is avoiding marriage..
Yibo was confused.. He had an urge to know more..
He asked what what was going on..
Yuchen explained his call from earlier..
Yibo had a heavy feeling inside.. Which was unknown to him he observed them from his car which was at a distance..
Yibo spoke.. I think we should leave now.. You are invading her privet life right now.. I think you are.. Let's head back..
Lulu ran and hugged zhan..
a-zhan it's raining you'll get sick..let's talk in the car..
Zhan hugged lulu.. And started crying bitterly..
.. She cheated on me...
Lulu was stunned as she did not expect this to happen.. Linjiao was always happy with zhan.. That's what Lulu thought.. She was speechless she sat down beside him comforting him.. As he cried.. She didn't know what to say .. She just sat there crying with zhan accompanying him.. When he needed someone..
After a while of crying together.. Lulu asked what had happened.. Zhan told her about everything.. How she never broke up with ha peng.. She just used him for his money.. He was too blinded by love.. Lulu's heart crumbled seeing his best friend crying like this.. She never once saw zhan crying like this..
Take me home.. Zhan said bending down covering his face
They drove back to Lulu's place..
Zhan came back and locked himself in the washroom.. He cried the rest of the night.. Lulu let him have some alone time..
Lulu contacted her assistant to get more information on ha peng..
Few hours later her door bell rang it..
She opened the was her assistant with a file in her hand.. Ma'am you asked for information on ha peng..
Come in..
.. Here is a file about his informations.. 30 year old male..
.. He lives in the same city.. He is a gambler.. His father runs a small business.. his mother left them when he was 11.. His father physically abused her.. He was once employed but was fired for the cause of stealing.. He had been in a lot of trouble recently.. He was arrested last month.. But bailed by a female named linjiao.. He is in a lot of debt right now..
Hnn.. Put some pressure on his father's business.. And get some information of linjiao too
Sure ma'am
You can leave..
Ma'am one more thing
Mr yuchen.. Contacted us.. He said he wanted to apologize for the trouble.. We couldn't reach you so he left his number.. And your father came to the company yesterday..
Asking about me?
What did you say..
I know nothing.
Good.. You can leave now..
A Few hours later.. Zhan came out of the washroom.. His eyes were red from all the crying..
Lulu was sitting on the couch he noticed zhan something was unusual he was smiling.. He came out and set beside Lulu.. Lulu handed him a medicine of headache.. He took it.. And fell asleep on the couch..
Lulu sighed..
She got a call from her assistant about linjiao information...
After a few hours zhan woke up ..
He saw Lulu still sitting in the same position.. With a file in her hand..
She saw zhan.. Are you fine now.. Zhan nodded.. Are you feeling sick.. She got up to check his temperature..
You had a fever all night..
I'm fine now..
Zhan I want to tell you something..
Linjiao is an orphan.. And Her grandfather died 2 years ago..
So she had been fooling me all along..
Zhan sarcastically laughed at himself..
Zhan you seem fine.. What's wrong with you..
I was watching ziyi's motivational videos in the washroom.. She went through a very like situation.. Which I'm in right now.. She didn't give up.. Neither will i.. I'll go break up with her tomorrow..
I am very proud of you right now.. Good choice.. Go take a shower.. I'll prepare dinner..
Next morning..

Yibo was Erritated . . And he couldnt figure out why.. He kept thinking about what happened yesterday.. He didn't want to think about it but he couldn't help himself with that..
He got up from his bed.. And came to the garden to get some fresh air..
Ziyi and kuan were sitting and chatting.. Yibo approached them.. And sat with them..
How is your preparation for your next art exhibition..
Ziyi putting down her coffee..
Next art exhibition..?
It is after 3 months.. I just had one..
Yibo got up and left..
Ziyi looking confused at kuan..
He just came to ask that..
Is he sick..
I don't know either.. Kuan with a concerned face..
Yibo came back to his room and went back to sleep ..
Yuchen left his house.. To go meet ms. Lu. At her company.. He reached her company.. And was told to wait in the meeting room
After about 10 minutes .. Xune lu approached him.. She called out Mr. Yuchen..
Yuchen turned to look at the source of the sound..
He was stunned by the beauty of ms. Lu.. She looked really charming in her suit.. Her skin glowed in the sunlight which escaped through the window..
Her lips shines.. Hearing her voice comforted his mind which was surrounded by a lot to thought.. All the voices seemed to disappear.. It was just them in the room.. He thought.. Damn she is gorgeous.. How did I miss this.. She had glasses on and was wearing a bucket hat last time.. I couldn't see those eyes...
Mr. Yuchen.
.. Mr. Yuchen
Aah yes.. Yes
Ms. Lu.. I am really sorry about last time...
You don't have to be sorry.. It's partly my fault too.. I hope you can settle this with your fans.. Lulu laughs awkwardly..
Sure sure.. I'll upload a video explaining about that..
Thanks for that.. And I am really sorry for that slap..I hope you won't take it to heart.. Let me treat you to dinner sometime..
Sure sure.. You don't have to worry about that..
I'll take my leave then..
Thanks for reaching out to me..
Lulu nodded and smiled...
Yuchen left..
He was flustered.. Then he remembered that incident from yesterday..
Of course she is not available..
Yuchen went home
.. And uploaded a video explaining about that Night..
The matter had calmed down..
Zhan was sitting in linjiao's favorite restaurant.. He was waiting for her..
Linjiao came and sat next to him..
Pouting cutely..
Zhan smiled.. And wished her a happy birthday.. She smiled and asked for her gift.. Zhan took her hand and took off the promise ring he gave her..
Linjiao was confused.. What are you doing..
I am breaking up with you..
Why breaking up.. Wait you are kidding right..
No my dear.. It's you who had been kidding with me..
What do you mean by kidding with you..
Zhan took out his phone .. You know I have a call recording application in my phone..
What does that have to do with us.. Linjiao Erritated..
Zhan played the recording from yesterday when he called 119 ..

... Linjiao smirked..
So what.. It's true.. Your smiles can't satisfy me.. Ha peng is a daily necessity of my life.. I was going to break up with you soon..
Thanks linjiao you didn't do it..
So Now that you know that I dumped you.. You might as well get up and get out of here and save yourself from further embarrassment..
Huh look at your attitude.. Even after knowing you got played.. Can you forget me after loving me half your life..
You really are shameless.. How could you do it for money.. Being friends if you would have asked me for money I would have given it to you.. But you decided to lie and play with someone's feelings.. Shame on you.. You even used your dead grandfather's name for money..
You really are a money hungry women..
Of course money is worth more than you.. Think whatever you want.. I am not wasting my time on you anymore..
I am going back to ha peng.. Where I belong..
Zhan was holding his tears as she walked out.. He wiped his tears and went back to his home.

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.. Catherin..

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