chapter 3

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Ziyi .. Xiao zhan , our senior curator was the one who prepared for the exhibition, and seems like he is not well .... If it's urgent how about I appoint my assistant to look for the best curators out there...
It's not urgent uncle.. I just liked how well he prepared for the exhibition last time...
Yibo had a guilty feeling .. He spoke..
Jia.. How about you let that curator recover and then you talk to him..
Hnm... Let's do that..
It's good then.. The boss spoke.. I will send him to you after he is out of the hospital.. How about that..
Thanks uncle.. If you have time.. Next time .. Please visit father.. He said you were good friends back in the days..
Sure dear.. I'll stop by next time..
Then I'll take my leave uncle..
Okey.. Get back safe..

Senior reached hospital..
He asked the receptionist.. Ma'am a patient arrived here haalf an hour ago..
.His name.
xiao zhan
. Let me check..
. He is in room no 103..

He reached room no 103..
He saw zhan with doctor..
Doctor I'm xiao zhan's senior.. Is he alright..
. Don't need to worry.. It's just a small injury.. He'll be just fine... Let him rest for at least 4 days and that's all.. Here is a list of medicine.. And don't ask him to work in these 4 day.. If he stresses less he'll recover fast...
Thanks doctor.. Can i take him home..
. Yeah sure

Doctor leaves..
Senior left to buy zhan's medicine

Xuan lu rushes in..
a-Zhan are you alright.. Hearing Lulu's voice he opens his eye's.
. Lulu is that you..
... Panicked lulu..You don't remember or you can't see.. What happened to you...
.Aaah my head hurts...
... Okey stop thinking.. You remember me right
. Of course I do.. But what are you doing here.. When did you return from Thailand..
... I came back today.. After coming back I went to your company to see you.. People there said you were injured.. You were bleeding out of your head and they took you to the hospital..
Oow is that what happened.. I can't really remember..
... Are you alright does it hurt.
. I'm fine.. It's doesn't hurt..
Senior enters..
Ms. Lu.. Zhan is fine.. The doctor said.. He can leave now.. He needs to rest atleast for 4 days.. I'll take him home..
Wait if you take him home.. His grandparents will be worried sick..
You are right.. I can't go home like this.. Mr. Xiao won't let me leave if he sees me like this.. Senior can you tell my grandparents that i have gone on a business trip.. And I'll return after a few days..
Okey then.. Where will you stay..
zhan can come with me...
a- zhan i have a lot to tell you about Thailand.. And we haven't really got time to spend together...
Ok then senior.. I'll go with lulu.. Senior can you please stop by my place a drop my lunch box at home.. Mrs. Xiao watches way too many crime documentaries.. She will start investigating...
Senior chuckled .. Ok ok...
Here are your medicines.. Take them time to time as instructed.. And take care.. I'll leave then..
.. Bye senior.
Senior left.

. Zhan leaves with lulu..
At Wang's
Ziyi and yibo returns..
Yibo was still thinking about that elevator incident..
Ziyi looks at yibo..
What are you thinking about ..
Me.. Nothing..
Really you look lost..
If something is bothering you .. You can share..
Only thing bothering me right now is your wrinkles.. You are getting old..don't think too much ..
Okey okey.. Just kidding..
I'm leaving.. Dad asked me to stop by his office..also..Yuchen is coming back from Thailand this evening I'm going to pick him up.. See you later jia
I'll be back soon jia
Zhan is asleep while lulu is driving
a-zhan we are here get up.
Lulu helps zhan to Lulu's apartment..
Zhan Are you hungry I'm ordering some food.. Yeah I am.. What do you wanna eat.. Anything is fine.. Okey then you should freshen up till the food arrives..
While eating..
Lulu with food stuffed in her mouth..
a-zhan how did you get hurt..
I don't remember Lulu.. Only thing I remember is ziyi at our company..
You.. You.. Fanboying again..
Zhan chuckles..
Nhnm.. Where is your girlfriend.. I didn't see her in the hospital..
. She has gone to her hometown.. She missed her grand father.. She will be back next week..
Then how are Mr & Mrs. Xiao..
Busy as always.. Aah Lulu Mr. Xiao told me i had wrinkles this morning..
Do I really have wrinkles..

Let me see.. ZHAN these wrinkles are very big and well defined you definitely need surgery..
Seriously. Do I really need surgery..
Lulu laughing.. No idiot.. You don't need surgery...
What about my wrinkles then.
Lulu laughing again.. You don't have wrinkles either..
a-zhan how was your trip..
Mine was fine what about yours..
How many guys did you get this time..
I did't really have time to play with guys..But i found a really annoying male entity.. I wanted to chop of his tongue.. .
What male entity?
An annoying guy I met at the restaurant.. 2 days ago.. He argued with me for straight 20 minutes in the middle of the restaurant.. He had an answer for everything I said..
Oowh what did you do with him..
I was in a hurry to reach somewhere.. So i just slapped him..
Oowh so he is alive..
a-zhan i dont kill people over these types of things..
Lulu laughing.. Of cource I don't..I'm not that cruel.. I don't go around killing people.. But if I had to start with someone it will be a-cheng for sure..
Zhan chuckles.. Why do you guys argue.. You really got a topic to argue on something with cheng..
It's always him. Calling me old and ugly.. He also.. He always have an answer to everything I say.. That brat.. I'll get him some day..
Make sure you don't fall into his traps again.. Which you do basically Every time..
Huh that little..

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.. Catherin..

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