chapter 4

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At airport
Yibo is waiting for yuchen in his car fiddling on his phone..
Yuchen enters ..sighs..aah I'm so hungry yibo..
Yibo looks at look a shadow in all black..Take your mask look scary..
I'm  hungry right now.. can i be a scary later.. I need food.. let's go ..
Yuchen took off his hat and mask...
Yooh brother is that a lipstick stain on your face in a hand print shape..yibo laughing... tsk looks like you had a good time..
Yuchen side eyeing yibo..I don't have energy to fight you right now..
Looks like a mermaid slapped you with her tail..yibo clicking his photo.. looks painful..
Who created this masterpiece on your face..
I came across a rude lady 2 days ago...
Waow this masterpiece is from 2 days ago..tell me more..
It's just that I was in a restaurant the previous night after dinner we were out on our way to go get some drinks.. laughing around one of the guys pushed me and I accidentally fell on top of her ...
She slapped you for that.
No..she was holding a glass of red wine and she wore a white dress.. so when I fell on top of her..the wine stained her dress ..
You know what if i was her i would slap you too.
I apologized but she got angry and she started using hurtful words.. she somehow created a new question for everything I said ..she straight up cursed me in the middle of the restaurant for not too long just 20 minutes..
Yibo laughing.. just 20 minutes..
Let's go we are here..
Yibo and yuchen got out of the car..
Yuchen put his mask on and entered the restaurant..
Yibo entering the restaurant saw the owner of lively museum..he greeted him as he was yibo's dad's friend..

Good evening uncle


Yes uncle..are you here for dinner too..

.Yes I came with my staff members ,

We are here for dinner about you join us...

.aah I already had dinner..with my staff members..

Ooh.. uncle..about that curator is he Okey

.Xiao zhan aah.. yes yes he is fine.. he has taken a leave of 4 day .. I'll send him to you as soon as he returns..

Ooh OK uncle.. then I'll not hold for too long..Good night uncle
Yibo and yuchen went to the VIP dinning

Yuchen spoke ..did I just witness you..inviting an actual person for dinner.. even though he is old and a little too old.. yibo I didn't know you had such an interesting taste.. Yuchen laughing sipping on water .. teasing yibo ..
Yibo threw his car keys on yuchen's face ..
He is dad's old friend you pervert..
For once in a while.. think something that is not so disturbing to hear..
Yuchen laughs..
But why are you looking for a curator.. pursuing Art's?

Not for me ..for Jia..

Aren't you tired chen... you speak too much.. shut up and insert your food fast..
Tsk.. what are you doing .. you have been fiddling on your phone since I got here..
I'm checking my mails.. the new project that I have been working on .. hmm.. I have to go to korea to attend some meetings on behalf of dad .. about that project..
Yuchen with food in his mouth..
So when will you leave?
Day after tomorrow
And when will you return..
I'll go attend the meeting..and next day I'll attend there dinner party..and come back the third morning..
So 2 days..I am free this month.. no shoot.. my schedule box is empty..
I got nothing to do..I'll come with you ...
Is that a threat.
I am Afraid it is..
Okay then.. I'll have company.. doesn't sound bad..
Yibo ..what are you doing tomorrow..

Nothing .. I'm free tomorrow.. yibo says while looking at his phone..
Then come with me.. I want to buy a new guitar..
Okey.. now stop talking or I'll leave you here..
I'm done.. drop me home on the way ..
..Okey brother
Yibo drops yuchen home.. yuchen went to open the door ..searching his pockets he realized he didn't have his keys with him.. he rushed back to see if yibo was still there.. yibo had already left.. Yuchen  called yibo..

..what.. I left 5 minutes ago ..don't you think it's too soon to be missing me..

I lost my keys brother..


Are you going to leave me here to sleep on the streets.. yibo

You guessed it right..sleep on the streets..

Aaahh.. brother have mercy.. what if some paparazzi see me here they'll eat me out alive.. what will I...........
Yuchen's phone turned off before he could complete his sentences ...
Yuchen holding his head cursing his luck
Sat down on the floor..after about 5 minutes he heard a car stopped in front of his House..he got up happily with his bags..knowing it would be yibo..
He saw yibo in his car outside..
I knew you loved me..Yuchen getting in the car.. teasing yibo..
Yibo making a pucking face.. yeah sure..
At lulu's..
Lulu was laying on the couch upside down with her feets in the air and her hair touching the floor..and opened packet of snacks on both her sides.. she was online on social media... zhan was sitting on the couch opposite to her with a cup of tea in his hand while watching TV..
Lulu got up screaming.. making zhan flinch out of the sudden shock which that sharp voice gave a sudden hearts attack to his ear drums and made his boiling hot tea slip off of his hand ..
Lulu unbothered of zhan..
With her mouth wide open.. still looking at her phone..
Zhan got up .. to get changed ... zhan zhan zhan look at this... that damn guy..people are talking shit about me..because of him..
Zhan zhan someone posted a video of me slapping that guy..
What do I do ... if dad saw this video.. what will he do this time.. he threatened me last time .. if I created a seen again.. he'll get me married...
Or maybe he'll disown me.. what do I do...
Last time? What did you do last time ..
At dad's friend's son's party.. I played truth and dare with my friends.. and as a dare I flirted with a guy and the flirted with another guy.. and they ended up fighting over me.. later I realized they were brothers and they were dad's friend's sons..
That's not so bad.. it was them who had problems .. wait is that all you did...
No it isn't.. I was drunk that night and ended up laughing at the stage with the Mike while they were fighting.. but that is not important...
What do I do now..
Lulu ..I think you should  start shopping for you wedding.. I'll go buy your wedding gift tomorrow..
I really can't help you dug your own grave.. unless...
Unless what..
Find that guy and make him confess in front of your father..
A-zhan I read the comments.. that guy is a really famous singer.. his fans are searching for me.. what do I dooo!!!
Figure it out on your own.. my ear drums are scared of you they want some silence..

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.. Catherin..

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