Chapter 2

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Feyrith took sharp breaths through his nose, trying to keep a steady grip on his bow as he pressed his back against one of the houses of Sunwood

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Feyrith took sharp breaths through his nose, trying to keep a steady grip on his bow as he pressed his back against one of the houses of Sunwood. He could hear the beasts attacking the town roaring somewhere behind him, the guttural noise far too loud in the night.

The animals had come out of nowhere, and he was still not certain what they even were. The night and their enormous speed didn't allow for studying them, so all Feyrith knew so far was that they could fly. But as much as he'd like to try to go and catch at least a glimpse of the beasts to see if they truly were a new species or simply a rare one, he couldn't go around trying to spot them.

Since his magic had been stolen, he couldn't do a lot of things, but even if he still had it, he'd not abandon his post protecting the humans. That was and would always be his priority, and he wouldn't let himself become distracted.

Taking a quick look over the corner of the house he was hiding behind, Feyrith quickly confirmed the coast was clear and began to run, following the shrieking coming from the right, from what sounded like the other side of the town.

Increasing his pace, Feyrith ran past house after house, trying to follow the noises as he readied an arrow. There were humans around, others protecting their homes, but Feyrith paid them no mind, too focused on trying to find the beasts to do so. He didn't even know where Lanna and Arbane were, having lost them a while back when the beasts had attacked them, and they'd had to scatter.

Suddenly spotting a large silhouette above, Feyrith didn't hesitate, aiming and letting his arrow fly in less than a second. Feyrith didn't watch to make sure he'd hit the beast, already running for cover as a roar filled the air once more. He could hear more arrows swishing in the air, followed by more cries from the beast as he nocked another arrow, looking up just as a large, winged shadow was passing over him.

Immediately shooting again, another screech followed as the creature started to plummet, falling to the ground somewhere outside of the town with a loud crash. But there was no time to check if it was still alive or not—there were three more to deal with.

Noticing that the house in front of the one he'd been using for cover had a pile of firewood next to it, Feyrith quickly ran to it, using the wood to give himself a boost so he could jump onto the flat roof. Hearing another roar, his head snapped to the left, quickly finding another one of those creatures between a few houses toward the eastern wall, quite close to where the stable was.

He could tell someone was trying to fight it off judging by the yelling and the flickering light of what was likely a torch, but if anything, that made things more dire. Losing quasir to these beasts would be unfortunate, losing people was unacceptable.

Holding his breath and trying to ignore his hammering heart, Feyrith pulled back the bowstring once more, closing one eye as he aimed between the houses. He could make the shot from here without hitting anyone on accident or missing. He had to.

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