Chapter 12

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Feyrith wasn't sure what to do other than awkwardly wait for Ralis and Enaryl to finish arguing

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Feyrith wasn't sure what to do other than awkwardly wait for Ralis and Enaryl to finish arguing. He wasn't even sure why Ralis leaving and Enaryl staying here was such a problem. It was the logical solution. Enaryl, being less powerful, could help Sunwood survive in their absence, while Ralis would help them survive in the jungle.

But he was going to stay out of this because it was none of his business. He'd learned not to involve himself in these things during his time among the humans, and he had to admit, while it felt a little strange still, it was rather freeing.

He just wished Ayd, Lanna, or Arbane would arrive already so it wasn't just him and the two elves. He pretended to busy himself checking his bag if he'd brought enough food with him as the two continued to argue. He was standing a bit away from them, but not enough to be able to ignore the conversation.

"Why did you think I would be okay with staying here while you risk your life in the jungle?" Enaryl asked, sounding more dismayed than irritated now. It was interesting how more and more both Ralis and Enaryl seemed less willing to hide their emotions. Feyrith was starting to think they hadn't been doing it as much as they should on Aendor, either.

"I didn't," Ralis replied, her voice low. For reasons unknown to him, Feyrith now felt even more awkward. He was starting to consider leaving and returning here at a later time when someone else was here as well.

"But it's the right thing to do," Ralis continued. "These humans need protection."

Enaryl sighed. Feyrith expected her to say something, but when nothing but silence followed, he looked at them, his eyes widening. The two elves were now...kissing. Feyrith ducked his gaze immediately, turning around to leave for a bit given how much like an intruder he felt, but before he could even take a single step, Ayd showed up from behind a nearby house, smiling when he saw Feyrith. And then his eyes settled on Ralis and Enaryl.

"Figures," Ayd said when he reached Feyrith, looking at the two female elves with what seemed to be amusement. "I was wondering why they came here so eagerly. I bet the Council doesn't like them having relations when they won't get new elves out of it."

None of what Ayd had just said made sense to Feyrith at all. Why would two elves have relations, as Ayd had put it, without the goal of reproducing? That was how humans did things, not elves. They were just fundamentally different when it came to that sort of thing. Arbane had told him about human relationships when Feyrith had asked him how they worked, and Feyrith had certainly never felt anything like what the man had described.

But he didn't want to ask. He couldn't help but worry that he would appear stupid and that Ayd might mock him for his confusion. Feyrith wasn't sure when he'd started to worry about what Ayd thought of him, but he certainly worried now.

Hearing Ralis say something quietly to Enaryl, Feyrith looked over his shoulder at them, only to see Ralis walking toward them and away from Enaryl.

"Good, the Cursed one is here." Her voice was very flat. She didn't sound annoyed exactly, but Feyrith could tell that she was. He turned around properly, sighing when he saw Ayd's scowl. Feyrith almost wished that of the two Enaryl was going with them. While he was sure she thought too many good things about elves like Ayd, at least she hadn't expressed those thoughts yet. But Ralis was more powerful, and they would need all the help they could get if they were to survive.

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