Chapter 23

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"Nice place you've got here

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"Nice place you've got here. Have you been living here the entire time?" Arbane asked, staring at the castle hallway with interest, his somewhat elven features lighting up. After those who had wanted magic had gotten it, everyone present had come back here, teleporting using the jungle Infuser that Orenis had managed to get working in the end. Even that Ralis person who had caused the fight that hurt Wyn was here, but she was locked up in the castle dungeon for now.

When Edwyr had joined them, Wyn had told him, same as Orenis back in Urzikal, that he wasn't the leader, he was simply another member whose opinion was respected due to his age if anything. But the atmosphere was so much different without him. Everyone seemed a little unsure what to do with him unconscious still.

But Edwyr hated the situation for a much different reason. He'd barely been able to focus on anything else but Wyn. Edwyr couldn't seem to stop caring about him as only an integral part of their group. No, he was worried about him as he would have been before he'd learned the truth. And it made him feel so torn. He should be feeling triumphant. They'd managed what they'd set out to do, and without casualties, mostly due to Wyn's shielding, he'd been reunited with Lanna and Arbane and they didn't hate him, but Edwyr just wasn't happy. He felt like a great tragedy had struck, and Wyn wasn't even dead.

"Sorry, I know you're worried about, boyfriend?"

Arbane's gaze was soft and sympathetic, but all Edwyr could do was gawk at him.

Lanna, who was standing next to her husband grimaced. "Oh, did we misread that situation? It's just that I've never seen you react this way to someone getting hurt before."

Edwyr scowled. No, he would be just as desperate to save her or Arbane. He was sure of that. He didn't care about Wyn more than his friends. But then again, he had left them behind to go with Wyn here.

Oh, Goddess, he'd truly messed that up.

"We...were together," Edwyr admitted. He didn't want to talk about this, especially not in a hallway where anyone could walk by them and overhear, but he owed them the truth after what he'd done to them. Not listening to their very valid concerns and accusing them of trying to ruin his future had been a horrible thing to do. "But now that I've found out just how exactly I got my magic." He gritted his teeth at the thought. "Wyn didn't tell me." He cleared his throat. "So, whatever we had is done. I'll tell him as much when he wakes up."

Lanna and Arbane looked at each other, both of their expressions dubious. Though Edwyr couldn't tell if that was because they doubted him or because they didn't like the situation. "Right, so you didn't know what this would do to Fey, then?"

"No, of course I didn't." The nagging question of whether he'd refuse to get magic if he knew entered his mind again, and he firmly stomped it out. It didn't matter now.

Arbane nodded, letting out a breathy laugh. "Yeah, we didn't think you did. But still. Good to hear that."

Edwyr nodded, not sure what else to say. Thankfully, Lanna spoke before the silence could get awkward.

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