Chapter 13

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Edwyr flinched when someone behind him said his name, losing control over the rock he'd been trying to move around in the air with his magic for as long as possible, resulting in it falling to the ground with a loud thud

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Edwyr flinched when someone behind him said his name, losing control over the rock he'd been trying to move around in the air with his magic for as long as possible, resulting in it falling to the ground with a loud thud. Turning around, he saw Genrith, her expression just as unreadable as usual, but she did seem annoyed. Then again, she usually seemed annoyed, so that was not surprising.

"It is not polite to follow people around," she said, narrowing her eyes. Definitely annoyed, then. It was safe to assume that Wyn had confronted her about it if that was the first thing she said. Edwyr didn't think she could have seen him at any point while he'd been following her.

"I agree. Why are you telling me this?"

Edwyr wasn't even fully sure why he said that. He could have just pointed out Genrith's somewhat suspicious behavior to justify why he'd followed her instead of playing innocent, but that was what he was stuck with now. That, and Genrith's somehow even more unamused expression.

"You know why," she said, instead of bothering to play this game. Edwyr couldn't say he was disappointed by that, though. It would have been very annoying if she had decided to be coy as well. "The least you could do is confront me yourself, rather than sending Wyn after me."

Edwyr wasn't sure why, but hearing her say that made him unreasonably offended. "I didn't send him after you. I simply mentioned that you were acting suspicious."

Genrith tilted her head a bit, a spark of amusement in her eyes. "Perhaps who you should be suspicious of is Tehreswyn." Edwyr's eyebrows rose at the casual use of Wyn's full name, to which Genrith's amusement grew. "Yes, he has told you his name by now, hasn't he? He would. Wyn is very predictable."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Now Edwyr was offended on both his and Wyn's behalf. Was Genrith trying to imply that Wyn did this a lot? Find someone new to be with and tell them his true name in a similar amount of time? Because if so, he didn't believe her in the slightest. Edwyr certainly trusted Wyn more than Genrith, for one, but he also refused to believe Wyn was playing him for a fool. Not for one moment.

"It means that you should mind your own business and I will mind mine."

And with that, she left, not letting Edwyr get a word in. He scowled after her. If anything, now he was even more suspicious of her. The fact that she felt a need to tell him off like this, especially by trying to make him focus on what Wyn might or might not be hiding, was telling, to say the least.

Which meant that he would certainly not listen to her and would likely follow her again. He was going to go tell Wyn about this, point out how odd it was to act the way Genrith had if she weren't doing anything out of the norm, but given how easily the elf had disregarded Edwyr's previous suspicions, perhaps he needed to talk to someone less close to Genrith. Assuming she and Wyn were close. It was incredibly difficult to tell with her, but at the very least they had known each other for a very long time, which meant that Wyn was likely not going to be objective about the situation.

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