Chapter 11

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Edwyr had just meant to get some water because he couldn't find any in Wyn's quarters, and he hadn't wanted to wake the elf just to ask about it

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Edwyr had just meant to get some water because he couldn't find any in Wyn's quarters, and he hadn't wanted to wake the elf just to ask about it. But now he found himself following someone sneaking through the castle. It was the middle of the night, the corridors only lit by the ever-burning torches hanging from the walls, and perfectly silent, so Edwyr couldn't have not noticed the quiet footsteps.

He wasn't certain if he was justified in following someone like this—after all, this could just be someone in a similar situation as him, perhaps looking for a midnight snack—but he couldn't help himself. Something about this was suspicious to him, and potentially embarrassing himself was worth it.

As he followed silently down the steps leading to the cellars, though, he was more and more sure that he wasn't just being paranoid. Because aside from food storage, there was something very important located there as well—the Infuser.

Even before he'd managed to catch up, he knew that that was what the person had come here for as the dark rooms lit up with a bright blue light. As Edwyr peeked over the corner and looked inside the room, he got just enough time to catch a glimpse of the person's face before she was walking through the portal generated by the Infuser.

A second later, the portal went out, and the light disappeared, leaving Edwyr standing in the dark in confusion and mounting wariness. That had been Genrith. And he didn't think she had anywhere to be at this hour. He wouldn't think that much of it if not for the earlier incident with the Council elf. And Genrith's general tendency to be as cryptic as possible, much like Wyn except he somehow wore it better.

He wished he could find out where Genrith had just gone, but even if it were possible, he had no idea how to do it. Which meant that it seemed he would have to wake up Wyn after all.

Sighing, he began to climb the steps up again, making sure to stop by the kitchen to get something to drink. He'd almost forgotten that he'd gotten up because he was thirsty in the first place, but now that Genrith was gone, his thirst had returned with full force.

Even though he fully intended to wake Wyn up, Edwyr still opened the door as silently as he could when he returned to his chambers, creeping inside and pulling the door closed behind him. He made his way to the smaller room connected to the main one, hearing Wyn's slow but audible breathing before even seeing him.

And what a sight he was. Edwyr had to stop in his tracks for a moment, just watching the other elf's naked chest rise and fall where he was lying on his side, his long hair disheveled and spread across the pillow. Edwyr felt his cheeks grow warm, but he shook his head, pushing all of the thoughts entering his mind away.

Now was not the time to get flustered and distracted by the way Wyn looked, or the fact that they'd slept together for the first time tonight, no matter how wonderful and right it had felt. They had a problem on their hands, potentially a big one if Genrith was keeping secrets, and Edwyr had to focus on that.

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