Chapter 22

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The memory of Genrith attacking Feyrith, defeating him with barely any effort, came to him then, filling his heart with dread as he kept staring at her, no idea what to do or say

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The memory of Genrith attacking Feyrith, defeating him with barely any effort, came to him then, filling his heart with dread as he kept staring at her, no idea what to do or say. If Genrith had heard Ralis talking about killing Wyn, then she had a valid reason to attack them.

"An assassination attempt on Wyn? That is your actual plan?" Genrith mocked them, adjusting her grip on her staff while keeping it aimed at their group.

Ralis raised her own staff, pointing it at Genrith while Enaryl took hers off her back, planting it against the ground, its tip pointing toward the impenetrable roof of tree branches above, ready to summon a shield. Feyrith remembered this defensive position very well.

"I am sorry to disappoint you, but even if you succeeded, it would do little to hinder anything." Genrith ran her eyes over all four of them, shaking her head. She almost seemed to be scolding Ralis for her idea, as if she found it so foolish it was worth mockery. "And now that I know of your plans, I can finally get Wyn to see reason and remove you."

Feyrith's blood ran cold at those words, even though she was just voicing what he'd already feared was the case. She planned to kill them. And there was nothing he could do. He'd stood no chance against her when he had magic, and now all he had was a bow and a dagger.

But before Genrith could do anything, a voice cried from behind them.

"Genrith, stop!"

Feyrith whirled around on instinct, only to see Wyn making his way to them, with Orenis trailing after him. And he looked furious, his eyes blazing with anger. "What are you doing?"

Genrith glared at him, matching his expression, her lips curled into almost a snarl. "What am I doing?" She stabbed her finger at Ralis. "This elf is plotting to kill you. I am simply doing what needs to be done to ensure we are successful. That our mission is successful."

Wyn looked over at Ralis as he passed her, his eyes thoughtful and narrowed, but his expression completely unreadable otherwise. Feyrith couldn't tell at all what the man was thinking, but he certainly didn't seem too upset hearing that Ralis had been planning on trying to kill him, which was strange. Wyn didn't even stop walking until he was standing between Feyrith and the others, and Genrith.

Feyrith had no idea why he wasn't focusing on Ralis instead, though he was glad because he had no doubts that just a moment ago Genrith truly had been about to kill them.

"Were you planning on apprehending her? Or were you planning on killing her?"

Genrith's eyes widened in disbelief. "Of course I was planning on killing her." She took a few steps forward until she was face to face with Wyn. "Do you know what your issue is, Wyn? You can never do what needs to be done."

"And since when is murder something that needs to be done?"

Feyrith was so focused on the fight happening in front of them that he didn't even realize Ralis was doing anything until it was too late. His attention was brought to her only when he heard her start muttering a spell, moving her staff so it was poised to attack.

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