Chapter 7

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Edwyr had wanted to keep training

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Edwyr had wanted to keep training. He had very little time to try to get better, but he had wanted to use whatever time he still had to do so before they left for the jungle. And yet instead of doing anything to achieve that goal, he was finding himself too distracted by Wyn to pay attention to anything he was saying. They'd already kissed more than a few times to the point that it felt like most of the training had been just that.

So much for taking it slowly.

But despite his annoyance at his lack of willpower, Edwyr couldn't feel too guilty about it. Mostly because Wyn wasn't doing anything to put a stop to this either, so Edwyr was going to blame him for his lack of progress, also.

Edwyr breathed in deeply as his lips left Wyn's, unable not to grin at the other elf's somewhat dazed smile and hooded eyes. Edwyr blinked as he realized he'd pushed Wyn against the wall, and he immediately let go of him, taking a step back as his face grew hotter. He'd not meant to do that, so he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

It was strange—he'd never been quite so enthusiastic like this. There was just something about Wyn he really gravitated to, it seemed, and now that the other elf had made it clear he was interested, it was as if every single one of Edwyr's barriers had been torn down.

"You are quite good at that," Wyn said, breathless, which was a stark contrast to how composed and proper he usually sounded. Edwyr wouldn't mind making Wyn sound that way more often.

Edwyr smirked. "Magic or kissing?"

Wyn chuckled, closing the distance between them, and leaning in to give Edwyr another kiss, short and sweet. "Both."

Edwyr wasn't sure about that given that he'd not kissed anyone in quite a while, but he supposed he and Wyn shared that. He certainly had no complaints about Wyn's skills, and he was very relieved to hear Wyn had none about Edwyr's. He'd be offended if Wyn had any, of course, but it would certainly bother him.

"Edwyr." Wyn smiled at him so warmly, so gently, that it made Edwyr feel completely disarmed. He wasn't used to people looking at him like this, and he didn't know what to do with himself when Wyn did it. But he didn't want it to stop. It made his insides flutter and made him feel a little dizzy, but it was a good feeling. "Would you like to accompany me to Lightkeep?"

"Lightkeep?" Edwyr repeated, his eyes wide as his eyebrows flew up.

"Uh, yes." Wyn clasped his hands behind his back, looking out the window to his right instead of Edwyr. "I have an errand in the city. And I thought, perhaps you could come along. I could use the company."

Edwyr almost laughed. It was rather amusing that Wyn was trying to be so coy about inviting him. But of course, Edwyr was interested. He'd never been to Lightkeep. He'd never been to most places, sure, but Lightkeep was significant. It was the only human city. Supposedly thousands of people lived there. It was almost impossible for him to imagine, but he wanted to see it. And coming there with Wyn was a wonderful bonus, of course.

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