Chapter 4

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Edwyr wasn't very happy

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Edwyr wasn't very happy. On one hand, it felt very silly to be quite so annoyed over having to go to a human town to get supplies for their trip inside the jungle, but he'd not been around humans for weeks, and the idea of them gawking at him, treating him as something strange and unusual, was not something he'd missed very much.

Still, he knew that he was in a bad mood more due to what Wyn had told him. Venturing inside of the jungle seemed like a very risky idea. Yes, assuming that they did find that Infuser, it would be worth it, but if they all ended up dying on this mission, that would be a bit detrimental to the overall goal of removing the Council from power. Edwyr had gone inside the jungle several times, but never very deep and always during the day. Something about that place just radiated danger, and even standing close to it had always made him nervous.

At least Wyn had implied he would be coming as well, which made sense because as far as Edwyr had been able to estimate, he and Genrith were the most powerful magic users of their group. But it also meant that if something went terribly wrong and Wyn died, Edwyr doubted that his vision of a better elven society would be brought to fruition without him.

And Edwyr also didn't want Wyn, or anyone else, to get hurt, he couldn't deny that was part of it. No one to his knowledge had ever attempted to go as deep into the jungle as they were going to and lived. There was no way to know what kind of beasts lurked inside.

"Something on your mind?" Orenis asked, bringing Edwyr's attention to her. For once she didn't seem to be insinuating something and was instead simply curious as she kept walking down the uneven footpath leading to the town. At least Edwyr assumed that was where it went. He wasn't even certain if he knew the name of this town because he thought he'd heard someone call it Midcoast, and that felt too straightforward, even for the humans because the town indeed was near a coast.

Since they'd teleported here, it was still somewhat difficult for Edwyr to wrap his head around it, but they were in the southwest now, a place he'd never thought he'd visit due to how far away it was and how dangerous a trip like this would be. Aside from a somewhat colder climate, everything here seemed very similar to what he was used to, though.

"Do you think going inside of the jungle to find that Infuser is a bad idea?" he asked Orenis instead of complaining about constantly having something on his mind. His thoughts used to be primarily comprised of thinking about his destiny and situation, and now that those had been changed to his liking, he'd thought he'd be more at peace. But instead, his mind seemed to have simply changed its focus, so it could still worry about other things. It was frankly exhausting.

Orenis made a loud, unsure hum, grimacing. "Well...."

The two elves in front of them who were going to the town with them exchanged a look. Edwyr was certain the woman on the right was called Wentri, but he wasn't sure about the man's name. Which was somewhat embarrassing given how few elves there were here, but Edwyr had never been particularly good at names. Still, he should do something about that if he was to work closely with these elves.

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