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"What is death?" I asked my caretaker. I'm fifteen, with white hair and deep brown eyes. I have cat ears and a tail, and dress in all white. For some unknown reason I like white.

"Something your sister associated herself with. Death is a dark thing Arimo darling. You will find out more about as you grow older." She replied. "You ask me the same questions all the time."

"I know Uguisu, but I just want to know." I said slightly annoyed. "I'm going to the library. I'll be back when the sun sets."

"Don't you go reading about death Arimo!"

I hopped off the rug and ran out the door before I could give her my response. She fell for it again, when will she learn? I thought with a smirk.

Alcestis, the town I live in, wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. It was surrounded by a huge stone wall. Most people never left the wall because they are afraid of getting kidnapped by deathbringers. I've never left the walls; I've had no reason too. There were brick and clay buildings along with shabby wooden ones. The building I was going to was a tall cream colored brick building. The library was like my second home. I go there whenever I need to calm down or learn more about death. No one ever talks about death here.

People consider me weird because my older sister, who ran away when she was eleven, which was when I was only five, turned out to be a Deathbringer. Uguisu told me that the woman who gave birth to me, my mother, was a renowned Lifebringer. She was beautiful and was an excellent mage. One day she met a Deathbringer, they fell deeply in love--though Uguisu thinks he gave her a sleeping potion--and had my older sister. I came five years later. They named her Bashemath. I don't remember much about my mother and sister. I only know that my father was killed shortly after I was born, by my grandfather, who was the leader of the Lifebringers. My mother was killed as well, and my sister and I were entrusted to Uguisu, my current caretaker.

"Finally, I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you. I thought you said we would meet after lunch. I've been waiting for and hour!" My friend Chai said. Chai has been my friend since I started walking. He had pale blue hair with matching eyes. He didn't have animal ears, but he had horns. He normally wore emerald green clothes, but occasionally I would catch him in a deep, sapphire blue suit.

"Sorry, I got a little caught up in conversation with Uguisu." I apologized.

"You mean that old witch. I thought you didn't like her?"

"I never said I didn't like her. I just don't like her tight rules." I replied, "Anyways, you ready to go to weapons training?"

"Aren't I always? C'mon!" Chai said happily. We raced towards the training hall.

When we got there we were both panting. "I beat you." Chai sputtered.

"No. I won fair and square! I got here before you did." I retorted.

"Whatever. We don't need to be late. Teacher might punish us."


They quickly walked into the building. It was a medium sized building with a clay tile roof. It had stone walls and a large wooden door. On the inside there were bamboo mats on the floor and wooden swords hanging. Benches lined the walls along with a coat rack.

"You're late." a voice boomed. "You were supposed to be here three minutes ago."

"Sorry teacher. I got held up by my--"

"I don't wanna hear your excuses Arimo. You know better; you've been coming here for five years. Always late." the teacher cut Arimo off.

"Carelna, please it's not her fault! I arrived at the same time as Arimo!" Chai pleaded. My friend and I knew what the punishment would be. Carelna was a tall slender woman who was caring, but also very stern. She had long brown hair, a slight crook in her nose, and gray almond shaped eyes. She had the lifebringer emblem branded on her neck. Her arms were filled with lean muscle, and her temper was shorter than a blade of grass.

Arimo LifebringerWhere stories live. Discover now