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I woke up to the sound of horse hooves clopping on rocks. I was laying down on what felt like a cushioned bench.

“Where am I?” I asked groggily.

I felt a hand touch my head.

“We are just now entering Brentwood village.” said a familiar voice.

I shot up and looked around. Landon was sitting next to me. He had on his military uniform and had a bow and quiver lying in the corner of the spacious carriage.

“What? No! I can’t go back!” I said starting to panic. “Where’s his body! We left it behind! WE NEED TO GET IT!”

“Calm down. Chai’s body is in the carriage behind us.” Landon said as he started to whistle a tune.

I looked out the window and watched as we passed by rolling fields of wheat and grain. Up ahead I saw tall colorful buildings.

“You wanna know something, Lady Arimo?”

“Don’t call me Lady. What is it?”

“I fell in love with you the first time I saw you.” 

My mouth dropped at his confession, but I quickly shut it when I realized my grotesque state.

“Even though I’m covered in blood. My hair was once stark white. My skin, beautifully tan.”

“I see the beauty in you. You are kind. Any normal person would not have invited me inside in the rain.”

“Don’t flatter yourself.” I said rudely. Landon looked taken aback. I guess he’s right. But is he just saying this to get to me? It’s too soon. I thought.

We were quiet the rest of the ride there.

When we got to the castle, my family was waiting. I stepped out of the carriage. I looked down at my hands and realized they were covered in bandages. My mother and father ran to me and hugged me.

“Oh Arimo! I was so worried.” She cried. I felt her warm tears fall onto my shoulders.

“I told myself I wouldn’t cry.” My father laughed and sniffed at the same time.

“I’m filthy.” I said coldly and pushed my parents away.

The rest of my friends and family came down to greet me.

“We should give her some space, she’s been through a lot recently.” My father said.

Bashemath led me inside and then to my room. My mother followed.

“How’d you get covered in blood?” Bashemath asked.

“I killed people, and animals.” I replied.


“Bashemath, don’t ask her any questions until she is ready to tell us.” My mother said in a soothing voice.

When we got to the bathroom, my mother unraveled the bandages covering my hands, unveiling a pair of hands that didn’t even look like mine. They had bits of flesh missing and cuts of various sizes. They were stiff with scabs.

“C’mon Arimo. We need to get you clean.” My mother said as she started to get the bath water warm.

When the water was warm I submerged myself into it up to my eyes. My mother started washing my hair and getting all the blood out. The small tub that was used to wash hair was soon filled with red water.

This went on several more times. When I finished getting clean, my mother picked my old blood stained clothes and threw them in the fireplace, then set out clean ones.

“Do you really want to know what happened?” I asked coldly.

“Yes.” My mother and sister said in unision.

“Chai was killed because a bandit cut him with a poisoned blade. There were about twenty bandit Chai and I dispensed of them quickly. After Chai died, I beheaded the bandit leader who poisoned Chai. I carried his lifeless body to the woods where I buried him behind a shack I built and lived there until Landon came.”

They stood in silence then walked out of the room. Shortly after they left, Astrid and Bumble came in.  Bumble greeted me with a hug and Astrid waved.

“I missed you so much. I heard what happened already. That’s really unfortunate.” She said apologetically.

“Yeah. I’m over it now.” I lied.

“No you’re not.” Astrid said. “This will take you a while to get over, especially since you two were so close.”

“You’re not wrong, but it’s okay really. I’m fine. I need to get into this dress. Could you guys help me?” I said as I lifted my bandaged hands.

“Of Course!” Bumble said happily.

“I’ll do your hair.” Astrid replied with an evil grin. “It’s payback time.”

Bumble helped me lace up my dress, and Astrid tugged and pulled at my hair that had grown unaccustomed to being pulled into an intricate design. 

When they got done, Bumble and Astrid stood back and looked at their masterpiece, me. I had my hair done up in intricate braids and I wore a light pink silk dress that was fitted.

“Nice.” Astrid said with a smile.

“Beautiful!” Bumble exclaimed.

“Thanks. It’s been awhile since I had my hair done, so this kinda itches, and this dress feels like it choking me.” I said as I pulled at the dress.

“At least you smell good. When you got here everyone was gagging at your stench.” Astrid said.

“I know.” I replied. “We should get going.”

When we got to the throne room, it looked the way it always did when there was a feast going on. As it turns out, I missed a lot in the time I was gone. I mean it was for almost a year. So much had changed. From what I am told Gituku was sent to prison for treason (he would be hanged at a later date) and Bumble and Ursa got married. Bashemath had married a man named Bjorn Damaris and she was expecting. She wasn’t far along enough so that I could tell she was pregnant. Astrid had become head of a new military branch, but was still a spy.

“Welcome everyone.” My father said with a booming voice. “I trust that you all have been informed of my daughter’s safe return. Tonight I would like to celebrate her homecoming, but also mourn her loss. Her husband, Chai, was murdered by a bandit. I know you all are probably wondering why one of the strongest fighters in Brentwood died from a simple bandit attack, but he was struck by a poisoned blade.

“I would like to give thanks to the Scouting Corps’ newest recruit, Landon Castrel, for bringing the princess back safely. In getting separated from the group, he stumbled upon a small shack. As it turned out that was the shack my daughter had built and was living in. Landon will be promoted to first lieutenant and given a knighthood for bringing my daughter back. ” he finished. “I hope you all enjoy the feast and greet my daughter on her arrival back home.”

Landon was shocked by the honor of moving up and receiving a knighthood. He had seen me when I was walking in, turned a bright red, and smiled.   He was placed next to me at the royal family’s table.

“This all feels like a dream,” Landon said. “and I’m sorry for yelling at you in the woods. I didn’t mean you any harm.”

“Don’t apologize. I was being ignorant. You were right, as much as I hate to say, but you were right.” I replied in a whisper.

“But, I wasn’t lying about my feeling for you. I do care about you. I just hope you care about me as much as I do you.”

When everyone finished eating, my father called everyone to join us in the cemetery to give Chai the proper memorial.

Even in the simplicity of the memorial, I couldn’t help crying. I mean Chai was my first and only love until now. I never loved anyone like I loved Chai.

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