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I sprinted through the corridors looking for Landon. It seemed endless, so many doors in the castle.
When I somehow managed to get to the entrance hall I asked my uncle where Landon was.  He was in the courtyard. Figures, I thought.
When I got to the courtyard I ran up next to Landon who was doing courtyard patrol.
"Oh hello Arimo." He said
"I have to tell you something!" I replied, slightly out of breath.
Landon turned and kissed me. "I love you Arimo. You don't need to tell me."
I blushed, "You better be lucky that's what I was gonna say because that would have been bad had that been the other way."
"Just shut up and let me kiss you." 
"Haha okay." I said then leaned in for another kiss. "I find it funny how in a few weeks, there will be war, and we are out here confessing our love to one another."
"Well it seems the gods have blessed us with a little bit of happiness in  this world of war and hatred." Landon said. "Though we should probably get back to our duties. There is war on its way."
"Very well." I said with a kiss; then ran off again to assist in the preparations for battle.
The next day, all the people  were getting ready for the war. I had to strap on my old armor again and start training in it since I became unaccustomed to battle.
Everyday I would strap on my armor and run three miles then practice with Chandrakant. He was relieved to see me go back to my old self.
Landon would join in with my practices when he wasn't rallying troops and watching the blacksmiths. He would tell me how brilliant Skye is and how fast she works. "She's leaps and bounds ahead of the rest" Landon said.
"I'm aware. I knew she was special,I could sense it." I replied.
"Well Princess I have to go back to my post. See you at dinner, and don't run yourself ragged." He said and gave me a kiss.
"Ill try not too. Take you're own advice as well !" I smiled. Chandrakant was sitting by a tree stretching his muscles because he too was not used to all the use.
"My Lady, might I request for a break, before my shoulder gets dislocated?" Chandrakant said as he rubbed his shoulder.
"Of course. If you need a break then tell me and I'll give you one. I can practice with other weapons." I replied with a nod of my head.
While Chandrakant was taking a break I went to the armory and grabbed some daggers and a bow with a quiver of arrows. I got to work on practicing with those until I was pleased with my progress.
"Chandrakant!" I yelled, which caused my weapon to look up. "Let's call it a day!"
"Yes my lady." He said while getting up. "Could I go to see a healer and get my arm fixed?"
"You don't need to ask me you go see my mother and heal your shoulder."
Several hours later, my entire family was sitting at our grand table in the dining hall. The room was filled with chatter and infant laughs. Unfortunately, tonight was a grim night, for the war was soon to start and this was more than likely our last meal together until the war is over.
My father stood up and called for everyone's attention, "I know you are all very anxious about the coming events, but I assure you--"
He was cut off by a loud explosion. Astrid pressed her hand to her ear piece. Her face went cold. "The King of Alcestis is here." Astrid said coldly. "He took on of my spies and killed them he is currently speaking through their ear piece. He says that he won't harm anyone unless he gets the princess, Lady Arimo."
Everyone in the dining hall was silent.
"I refuse to lose my daughter again." My mother said sternly.
"No mother. I will go." I replied. "This war started because of me and it's going to end with me."
"Absolutely not!" Bashemath yelled front the other side of the room. "It is your duty as a princess to protect your people but not in this way. I refuse to let my sister be a martyr! You spent all this time training and preparing but you're just going to give yourself up?"
"Don't start with me sister." I said. Anger started to bubble from the depths of my body. "I'm not the one who should be lectured about giving up!"
"Both of you stop right now!" My father shouted "We are going to go out there and we are going to fight like a family and if we die in the process then so be it, but no one is handing themselves over to anyone!"
Everyone was shocked at my rather levelheaded father's sudden outburst. "If no one is going to say anything else then let us get ready." He said then looked over at Astrid who was still shaking with fury. "Do not beat yourself up over the loss of one of your spies. Tell them to fight for their comrades and the royal army will be out shortly. Tell them to fight for the one they lost."
"Yes sir!" Astrid exclaimed. She ran off to joined her comrades.
My family quickly suited up for war. The children were sent to the castle forge with Maeve, where it was safe. Servants ran around hauling armor to and from the forged so the Alsezairds and soldiers had armor. The blacksmiths were directing the servants.
The war had started and we weren't ready.

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