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Explosions sounded every few minutes. The battle had begun. My family was rushing to get ready. I quickly put on my white leather armor and grabbed my sword. Seeing my family suit up for battle was something quite beautiful. Each one of us had a suit of armor and a weapon that fit us perfectly. My mother was a cleric. She had a pastel green and yellow tunic with a birch staff. Her hair flowed loosely in a braid and she had a small silver knife strapped to her thigh. My father had a black and silver suit of armor that had small blood red accents. He wielded his black steel sword. The red gem in the center of the crossbar glowed brightly with the life force of his brother. Bashemath was in black leathers with red accents and had to jagged dagger strapped to her thighs. Her jet black hair and her face were covered in a black cowl.
Bumble ran around like a mad woman making sure everyone had the explosives and poisons she made safely stored away on each person. While Landon barked orders in his brown leathers. He had a long bow attached to his back along with poison tipped arrows in a quiver. He had a knife hidden in his sleeve as well.
"Is everyone ready?" Asked the king. He drew his sword when everyone nodded in agreement. "Very well. Time for battle. May we all make it out alive."
We burst through the palace doors as a family.
I stopped just outside the doors when I saw what had happened to the city. All of the buildings were burned to the ground. Burnt and mutilated bodies littered the streets. The bodies of my family lay motionless on the ground. Everything I knew was gone.
"See what happens when you run from destiny?" Chuckled a familiar voice.
"Bastard. What did you do?!" I yelled as I faced Eamon.
"Oh I did nothing sweetheart. You did this. You ran from me and now you're whole precious city has suffered the consequences. Oh what a pity too, it was quite a beautiful city. I wish Alcestis was like it."
"Go to hell." I spat.
"Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you darling. You see, I can kill you right now. Quickly." He said with a clicking tongue. He moved in a flash and held a dagger to my throat. "Don't try anything either love. I'd hate for this blade to cut through that sweet soft skin of yours."
"You've gotten rather attractive in these two years we've been apart Eamon." I replied, trying to change the subject. "Maybe it wouldn't be so bad as to marry you."
"I won't disagree with you, but you're not going to fool me that easily cousin. You need to prove to me that you'll marry me."
"Like how?" I stated. Just like that we transported to a locked room.
"Remember this?" Eamon said with an evil grin. "It's where I branded your sweet sweet body. Where I cherished your screams of pain."
"You vile son of a bitch!" I yelled. My wrists and legs were strapped to the same stone table I was given the mark of a Lifebringer two years ago. The sensation of scorching iron pressing into my body flooded my senses.
"ARIMO!" Landon yelled as he slid down towards my body. "Grimm! Genevieve! Help me!"
My mother and father rushed over to Landon.
"She's been entranced!" The Queen yelled over the sound of war. "Bashemath! Help us get Arimo to safety!"
"Yes mother!" She replied as she hoisted my limp body over her shoulders.
My mother turned to my father. "Grimm stay and fight. Fight to protect our family. Fight to protect our kingdom. I love you, I will send word when Arimo is awake. Be careful."
"I will my dear Genevieve. Keep them safe. I will see you when this is over." Grimm said as he gave my mother a kissed and ran into battle.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth? For shame dearest." Eamon said as he grabbed a knife off the table, and tore off my clothing. He ran the knife across my skin. "Where should I cut?"
"Your throat. You disgusting toad." I growled. I gritted my teeth as I prepared for the knife to cut into my skin.
"Ahh right here." He grinned. He tapped the knife right above my left wrist. "Vertical or horizontal? Oh I'll choose vertical. Those can't be sewn together."
"Her left forearm is gushing blood!" Bashemath yelled. "Mother what is happening? Her eyes are wide open but she's barely breathing."
"This is powerful magic. Landon I need you to get me medical supplies and I need to you bar the door."
"Y-yes ma'am!" He said and he ran around the room gathering the medical supplies needed.
I let out a blood curling scream as the blade cut deep into my forearm. I felt my warm blood run down and drip onto the floor.
"Don't fall asleep on me love! HAHAA! The fun is just getting started!!!" Eamon roared. He moved the knife across my jaw.
"You. Damn. Bastard." I growled.
"How about branding next?"
My face remained unchanged. Inside I screamed in panic. Outside my brow was furrowed and my teeth remained clenched tightly. Eamon picked up the branding iron. The tip of the rod was in the shape of the Lifebringer symbol.
Eamon shoved a stick into my mouth.
"This is gonna hurt. A LOT!!" Eamon said as he slammed the iron down onto my chest.
I bit the stick in half and screamed. The heat seared through my skin and the room smelled like burning flesh. I was fading in and out of consciousness. Eamon dug the rod into my skin hundreds of times.
"Where are all of these burns coming from?" Landon asked. He ran his hand over my mutilated body.
"E..Eamon..." I croaked.
"Arimo!" My mother cried. She held my hand tightly. "My darling girl, what happened?"
"Mother she can't speak right now!" Bashemath said. Her voice was shaking. "She'll die if you don't heal her!"
"Right, right!" Genevieve muttered. Her hands started to glow light green.
My mother's face grew pale. "Oh no..."
"What's wrong?" Landon and Bashemath asked in unison.
"Her wounds. They aren't going away." Replied the queen.
"Move." I muttered.
"What?" Genevieve asked.
My mother, sister, and Landon backed away. I rolled to one side and groaned. I moved my arms to lift myself up.
"Here let me help." Landon said as he bent down to pick me up.
"No!" I barked. "I have this."
I got to my knees, then used a chair to lift myself up.
"Where's Chandrakant?" I asked.
"What do you plan on doing young lady?" Asked my mother
"Where is he!?"
Everyone jumped at the sound of my hoarse voice.
"We don't know."
"Oh for the love of the gods!" I yelled then kicked down the door.
"You can't go out into battle like that!" Landon stated. He handed me my suit.
"Right." I mouthed. I slipped into my leather armor and ran outside.
All hell had broken loose outside the palace. Hundreds of fallen soldiers littered the ground. The blood of the enemy mixed with the blood of the villagers creating small streams of blood. Homes and shops were nearly burnt to the ground and the city walls were broken. I looked around the havoc wreaked city, and saw my horse, Uli. She was bucking wildly there was an arrow protruding from her shoulder. I quickly ran over to heal her.
Once I finished, I leapt onto her back and we galloped into the thick of battle.
I saw my father, he. Was fighting alongside Skye's grandfather. The old blacksmith could fight. My father swung his sword with all his might. He was getting tired. I could tell just from the force of his blows.
"Father!" I screamed over the war cries.
He turned just as he finished off the group of soldiers he was fighting.
"Arimo! Are you well?" He asked with a quick hug.
"Well enough. I'll show you what I mean later. I can function that's all that matters. Where is Chandrakant?"
"Off fighting."
"I'll have to find him. Could I have one of your axes? War axe preferably." I asked. My father handed me a silver war axe and joined back in the fight.
I ran through the city streets looking for Chandrakant. I found him in an alleyway. He was up against the wall; his supply of poison and his explosives were gone.
"Chandrakant I summon thee!" I yelled. He vanished in a puff of grey smoke and reappeared in my hand.  I strapped the axe to my waist and attacked my weapon's attackers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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