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CHAPTER 001 ; Hustle

"BROTHER, it's happening again."

I looked up to see my sister, Stella, looking at me with sad eyes. I patted the spot on my bed beside me, and waited for her to sit.

Screams could be heard coming from the sitting room, that is, if I could call it that.

We live in a very small house that we could hardly afford,
I, Nnanna, my older brother,
Stella, my younger sister, and my cousin, Kamsiriochi.

Kamsi began living with us when at seven both her parents were murdered, since then, she became my twin sister.

We live in Roseland. The poor part. The part where thugs sat on the road, smoking, girls hawked fruits to be able to go to school, our gutters were filled with rubbish, and our homes were cramped.

To top it off, my father was the worst. Constantly fighting with Mummy, then he'll disappear to drink or gamble with his low life friends.

That's because he knows mummy will take him back.

The sounds seized, the door banged, and our house was silent.

"Do you want to check what happened, Kene?" Stella asked me.

I nodded and stood up, leaving the room.

Mummy was not sobbing as usual. She was standing up, holding onto a nice looking purse, and smiling at her reflection in the mirror.

"Mum," I called and she turned to look at me, smiling.
"Where are you going to?"
I asked.

"Oh, nwam. Tochi's mother invited me for the women's community meeting. I have to go. She said she would introduce me to them so that they can come to the shop and eat. So that business can boom." Mummy said with a smile on her face.

"Okay ma." I said.

The door opened, and Kamsi ran into the room, throwing her arms around Mummy.

"Mummy, Mummy. I di Kwa hot! Baby oku!"
[ You look hot. Hot babe]

I had to roll my eyes.

Of course Mummy looked nice, but Kamsi was known to be the dramatic one in the family.

"Ah ah, yes now! Bia nwam, I makwa ihe!"
[ Come my child, you know something]

My mum and sister have the habit of toasting each other, as though they were each other's girlfriends.

I looked to the clock, automatically rolling my eyes.

"Kamsi," I called her.
"We have work in 30 minutes."

Kamsi groaned.

"Kene," Mummy said, turning to me. "Unu lota osiso oh!
Unela mela kam bachie uzo mbe una lotabe."
[ You people should come back early oh! Don't make me lock the door when you both are not home. ]

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