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CHAPTER 003 ; New School

Listening to Work Of Art (album) by Asake as I type this.

If you've heard the album, tell me your favorite song!

Read the author's note at the end too ✨.


"Kamsi, smile." I told her, holding up my camera up to  her face.

"Kene, abeg," she said swatting my hand away but I already took a picture of her frowning face.

"Too late." I told her chuckling. "You want to be a model but you can not smile for picture? Do you want people to think you're an ugly girl?"

Kamsi looked away, up to the sky.

"They already do." She muttered.

"Kamsi," I called in a warning tone.

"What?" She snapped. "Am I lying? Am I not too slim?"

"Kamsi, stop–"

"Kene, let the matter die. Let's not talk about it."
She said, folding her arms in anger.

"No," I snapped back, matching her energy. "I will not let the matter die. Why do you think you're ugly?
Why does the image people have of you become so important in your head that your own image fades away into the background?" I asked.

We were currently getting ready for school in our room.

Kamsi, who was buttoning het shirt, stopped a sad look marring her face.

"But–" but I cut her short.

"No, Kamsi." I said, sitting down beside her. I put my hand on her shoulder.
"I don't care who thinks you're ugly. You are not too slim. There's no such thing.
You are healthy. You are alive, and that's what is most important."

"Kene, you don't have to –"

I shut her up.

"If anyone says rubbish like that to you, I will beat the person. Try me," I said to her, causing her to smile.

She did not reply, but her smile said it all.


Not perfection, fulfilment.

Kamsi glanced at me in worry. I gave her a hand squeeze.

"I don't want to be here."
Kamsi said to me.

"But you don't want to leave me alone." I reminded her.

She nodded and smiled, gripping onto my arm.

The uniform was a midnight blue shirt, with a black trouser or skirt, a black and cream tie, with black stripes.

I was not fidgeting. I had a confident look on my face and a small smile.

"Kene," Kamsi called. "Why are you smiling?" she asked.

"Because Jesus loves me."
I responded, causing her to hit me and chuckle.

I always wanted to see Kamsi smile. After all she's gone through, she deserves the world and more.

I love her with my life, and I can break somebody's nose for her.

Just then, the door to the office opened and the lady that gave us the scholarship came into the reception.

I and Kamsi straightened our postures.

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