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Chapter 008: Dangerous.

✨ Harmonie's POV ✨

My finger hovered on the contact list on my phone.


Do I want to do this? Do I want to text her?

It's wrong. I know it is. But I can't help it. I need a temporary high. An easy solution to my problems.

I want to clear my head.
I want to feel like someone else.

I'm tired of being me.

I clicked on her number, and began to text her.

Harmonie 🔥💅: Hey Dee.

Most definitely, she was online as always.

Dee: Harmie baby! What's up?

Harmonie 🔥💅: I want to order. I need a bottle.

Dee: Are you sure?

I sighed. Of course. Of course the golden girl should not be into all these.

Yes. Was my positive response. That was all I could muster.

"Why are you staring into the mirror like that, golden girl?"
A teasing voice asked.
"Don't you know your lover boy is in the dining hall?"

Infront of me, stood Felicity Oghene, popularly known as Felie.

The girl took me as her rival, in everything. Everything.

In school, she was second best to me. On social media, it was the same. Even as prefects, she was my assistant.

As you can tell, it pissed her to bits. She couldn't stand being second best to me.
Yet she did not give a damn about working for the position of first.


Her four minions, Temi, Aliyah, Tiwa, and Carol, stood beside her, like the robots they were, glaring at me.

Temi and Tiwa were identical twins. But you'd always know the difference since Temi was more of a slut than Tiwa.

They turned their uniforms into prostitute outfits, especially Temi.
Even with all the make up that they put on, they couldn't cover up their sadness and loneliness.


Carol was better than them.
She was a vlogger and we got along sometimes. She was beautiful and fair and had a dimpled smile that could cause people to fall for her.
Although her teeth wasn't flawless, it was real, so many people loved her.

Felicity was her cousin, hence, their closeness.
She doesn't really talk much but only follows them around.

I don't know how she puts up with them, though.

Aliyah, was the worst, after Felicity, of course.

Aliyah was a hypocrite who will kiss the ground Felicity walks on, but then go after the guy Felicity is also interested in.
Aliyah was lazy. Her grades showed it so glaringly, that I had no other option than to pity her.

But I used the technique I usually use on them, calmness.

I just keep my face straight, and remain calm and I never snap at them.

"Felie, dear, congrats on 10k on IG," I told her instead.
My face didn't hold a smile.
It was vacant. Expressionless.

"Are you stupid?" She snapped. "Did you not hear all that I said?"

"I can't be stupid and still be the best at everything. Can I?" I asked, turning to face her.

She raised her hand to slap me, but the smirk I gave her held her hand in the air.

"Do it. I dare you." I said coldly.

Slowly, her hands dropped back to her side.

"You can't hide from Philip forever." Felicity said, but her voice wasn't as firm.

"Oh? Philip? I thought you always went after my left overs. I presumed you'd be dating by now." I told her, a small smirk dancing on my lips.

Felicity was boiling with rage, but there was nothing she could do to me.

I knew it. She knew it. And all her friends did too.

The last time she did so, it did not end well.

"You think you're all high and mighty because –" Aliyah started, but stopped as soon as I held my hand up in the air, stopping her mid sentence.

"I am all High and Mighty."
I reminded her, with a cold smirk on my face. "Y'all know better than to mess with me."

"You're not perfect." Felicity said, her voice sounding strangled. "You're not better than me," she said again, as if trying to convince herself.

"I'm not better than anybody." I said clearly.
"But I'm perfect. Everyone knows that. You know that.
That's why you're so inferior."

The toilet was very very quiet.

"God created me to perfect.
And it's okay, not to be perfect. But I am. That's all I know how to be." I said to them.

I walked to the door, but stopped turning around.

"I'm very dangerous too." I whispered. "But Philip doesn't know that, yet."
I added with a wink.
"Later, girls."


Even me that I'm writing, has no idea what just happened.

Omooo, this Harmonie girl too dey surprise pesin!

I'm okay now, Incase you were worried. I'm back and better!

Jesus put a smile on my face and heard my prayers.

He loves me.

The next point of view will catch you by surprise.

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