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Chapter 005; Changing.

I was about to say thank you for 29 reads, when I saw that we had 34 reads and 15 votes. 🥺😘 Thank you guys.
Y'all are the best! Also, don't forget to share my book!
It's very much appreciated.


Harmonie's POV ✨

I don't know how long I was supposed to feel this way.

Like my world came tumbling down my head when that man was mentioned.

Of course, she did not mean any harm, but I could not help but wish things were different.

Rodney thinks I love him. But he doesn't know the real reason I never come visiting.

The real reason is because of one thing.

I don't want that man to kill my mother.

She and I may not have the best relationship, but I'm not one to want some one to die.

"Miss Oluebube!"

My head snapped to the direction of my teacher.

"Yes ma?"

Perhaps it was my million dollar smile, chirpy nature and my brains, that were the cause of the love that I received from everyone.

Or it was because of Rodney who's popularity and humility had people falling for his charm, that caused people to love me, but nonetheless, they loved me.

I mean, who doesn't love Harmonie Oluebube? The it girl?

The teacher, also known Miss B, who was previously angry, melted under my smile.

"I was asking if you'd like to be paired up with Kenechukwu for the project?"

What project?

"Yes ma, that's absolutely fine!"

She gave me an approving smile, and continued to speak to the class.

Quietly, I made my way to Kene's empty seat and sat beside him.

"Hi!" I whispered in greeting and he nodded at me, with a smile.

"You weren't listening, were you?" Kamsi asked.

I smiled a sheepish smile.
"You caught me. What's the project about?"

"We're supposed to prepare for a debate competition that is in three weeks time together, do a presentation in class, and then the best among us will represent the school in the competition."

I nodded in understanding.

"Then let's meet up after school then."I offered.

Anything to get me far away from home.

"Um..." Kene trailed off.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"You realize I'm a scholarship student, right?" He said nervously.

You realize I'm a depressed girl, right?

"So? You're scared I'll be uncomfortable in a small house? That's bold of you to assume." I told him.

"You don't understand. I live in Roseland, the ghetto side."
Kene said again.

"To be very honest with you, I live in a big house, and it's as big as the hole in my soul, but, if you're scared I have not been there before, I have." I told him, my smile brightening.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"I've been to your mum's–"


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