Insinuations and Chickens

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For nearly two weeks, I divided my time evenly between Lexi and Conrad's group of friends. I spent a lot of time with both, making sure they all knew the extent of my gratitude for their kindness. I was learning much of Lexi's personal life from both our school breaks and meetings at the library, but I felt as though I was getting nowhere. And I was becoming highly confused with the task; knowing exactly what needed to be done but having no clue how to do so. I couldn't just keep subtly complimenting her. Lexi needed a lot more than that.

     Once again, lost in my thoughts of Lexi, I pulled my books out of my locker, paying no attention to my surroundings. Someone fully opening my locker to lean against the door, I jumped, fumbling with my nearly fallen books. Recovering myself, I looked up expecting to find a laughing Conrad. Instead, I met blue eyes. Oh no.

     "Hello?" I frowned at the blonde.

     Though I had spent much time with Lexi's group of friends and was getting to know Angela nearly as much as Lexi, she had never approached me alone.

      "What are you thinking about?" she teased.

      I made move to deny her insinuation, but my body betrayed me; cheeks flaming. I huffed indignantly as she laughed.

     Smile quickly fading, Angela's expression turned to that of neutral displeasure. I recoiled, my features displaying both surprise and confusion. I had yet to see Angela anything but chipper. An angry Angela was terrifying.

     "All jokes aside, I think you're confusing her."

     "What?" I asked, voice an octave higher and brows furrowed in a frown so intense that it required the use of every muscle of my face.

     "You. Are. Confusing. Her," she repeated slowly, enunciating every word. "And if I'm being frank, both of your tiptoeing around each other has me on the verge of exploding."

     Somehow my eyes grew wider, taken aback. Lips moving but no sound escaping them, I found no words. Desperately trying to find a response to disagree with whatever nonsense she was getting at, my attempts were futile as I shuddered under the fierce, thin cocked brow directed my way.

     "I don't know what to say, Ange," I whined. "You're making me uncomfortable."

     With a sigh Angela's features softened. "You like her, don't you?"

     Again, in a nervous panic, my face grew warmer, gaze shooting away from Angela to search the hallways. I had to make sure Lexi wasn't within hearing distance.

     "This isn't middle school, Jaxson." Angela rolled her eyes. "A crush really isn't that big of a deal, especially when the feelings are reciprocated."

      I disagreed. I very much disagreed and shook my head to show her my belief. My nervous state was well warranted. It was only when I replayed the full extent of her words that I blinked in surprise. My head shot up hopefully. When the feelings are reciprocated, she had said.

     "You think the feelings are reciprocated?"

     "I know they are."

     "She told you so?" I inquired eagerly.

     "No, but I think she's been quite obvious."

     "Obvious?" I sniffed. "She has shown absolutely no interest in any romantical involvement... And if friendship is all she wants, I'm alright with that."

      Eyes shut, Angela groaned, shaking her head in exasperation. "You have got to be the most oblivious human on earth!"

     "Am n—"

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