Babysitting and the Future

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I had spent most of my previous night googling the best ways to keep children between the ages of 6 and 14 entertained. From crafts to outdoor sports, to card games, I went through it all. I was determined to further impress both Lexi and her siblings. My research wasn't much help, but I remained confident that I would be a hit with the kids.

      Lexi reassured me countless times that I could leave if I got bored, but I was far from bored. The loud household was a refreshing change from my new, quiet home. First driving to Lexi's house to get the van, we drove to school where we picked up the five from their after-school activities. Five minutes into the ride and already some of Lexi's predictions were coming true; Beau and Amy were talking my ear off; I was struggling to follow either of their conversations. Noah, who was sat between his two younger siblings, made no addition to either conversation, instead sitting quietly with slightly furrowed brows as though he was observing me with close precision. And sat in the back, too far to be heard over the noise, Lacey-Mae and Ella-Rose were noticeably watching me, giggling to themselves.

     "I did warn you," Lexi reminded as we pulled into the driveway.

     "And I'm already enjoying myself," I declared jumping out of the car to immediately be pulled into the home by two pairs of sticky hands.

     While Lacey and Ella had retreated to their rooms to do homework, and the three other Broughtons fell into another heated game of mini sticks, I made my escape. My back was sore from running around half-bent to hold a two-foot-high hockey stick.

     I planned to help Lexi with the preparation of their choice of supper: macaroni, and cheese. But it took all of five minutes before Lexi let me be whisked away by her younger siblings. Though having been given easy tasks, I managed to make a mess of the kitchen, and Lexi seemed to conclude that my absence would benefit her cooking. Pulled into the living room, I shot Lexi a feigned affronted look. Beau, Noah, and Amy had decided to team up, requesting one last game from me. I was too much of a sucker to deny their puppy eyes. I had thought Lexi's eyes made me weak, but it was nothing compared to the power the three held.

      The kids bargained another rematch, before finally showing signs of fatigue. Though they were tired from the running, they were yet willing to let me go. The three youngest Broughton's settled with introducing me to their favourite Cartoon. Despite having given up their own show for the other three, Lacey and Ella lingered in the living room. They sat on the small sofa next to the long one that I shared with the other three. Getting along well with my sofa mates, I struggled to strike a conversation with the other two. I was finding it rather difficult to connect with 13- and 14-year-old girls. Asking the few odd questions that I was certain they thought strange, I suddenly found myself receiving too much of their attention.

     I still don't know how it happened. But before I knew it, Lacey was painting my finger nails a bright pink, Ella was using a light shade of purple on my toes and Amy-Lynn had sat herself on top of the sofa, legs wedged between me and the cushions, as she pulled my hair in multiple directions with tiny hair elastics. I had expected Noah and Beau to get involved, but the two had subtly inched away from us, as though afraid they would be the next victims of the polish and hair ties.

     Stood in the doorway to announce supper, Lexi's eyes fell on me, and her hand flew to cover her mouth in contained laughter.

     "Food's ready," she managed through suppressed giggles.

     Letting the others go ahead, I waited, looking expectantly at my girlfriend. Lexi only let herself fully laugh when her siblings were far out of sight.

     She shut her eyes, as if she couldn't get look at me and gain control at the same time, and wiped the tears of laughter from the corner of her crinkled eyes.

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