I Hate Larry Johnson.

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Travis POV:
I groaned. My dad. I was Up way to Long Last night Like usally and fell asleep again after I woke up. Uhrg I dont want to stand Up yet. But i also really dont want to get punched by my father so I sat Up, quickly Put my clothes on.
"Sorry. Im on my way"
I walked down, my head Still dizzy and stood infront of him
"Please excuse me, i Fell asleep again"
"You better wake Up earlyer tommorow. Understood Travis?!"

Shit. This Really cant Happen again.
I went to Pack my stuff and I was Walking to school. Just a normal day. Atleast for me. I Hate this so much. As i walked Inside, along the hallway i saw Sal and His Freak homo Friends. Idiots. I Just needed to Look at them and already felt angry. I Just scoffed and walked to the classroom. I sat down at my place and thought for a while. I have No Idea why this Freaks make me so fucking angry. Probaply because they are Just total shitheads. Im honestly way to tired to think at all But- what i do remember clearly is a few weeks ago. I turned 16 and this stupid cult has a Ritual for the son of the Leader when He Turns 16. They fucking slice a Cross on theyre Back while they do a blood Ritual or some Shit and say prayers. And Bless the Person. All i know is that that hurted. But thats fine, i mean its for god to Accept me As the son of the Leader or Something. It still Hurts Like Shit though. I dont even remember It that clearly. Just the blood running Out my Body, my father, the other cult Leaders praying and the smell. I was quickly Cut of my thoughts by the teacher Walking in.

"I Hope you all did you Homework it will be very very importand."

Luckily i did my Homework for once. I Hate math But If my Dad found Out i didnt do my Homework the Last weeks i would be dead. Not that i understood one Thing But Atleast i did it. The teacher walked around and collected everyones Homework. She then began to teach. I Tried my best to concentrade But failed miserably. I can barley keep my eyes Open But i have to learn Something. Atleast try to. After the class was FINALLY over we Had History. That was also defintly Not one of my Favorites and i almost Fell asleep. Goodness finally Lunch time. Atleast SOMETHING good in my fucking Life. Bologna day. I dont even get why so many people Hate it this much. I got My Lunch and sat down at one of the Tables. Alone again. I dont even Like Being around people anyways. They Just annoy me and i have No Time to think. I ate my Sandwich and watched some people Talk about whatever. My thoughts wandered of, and i didnt even realize i was staring at someone until they Said Something
"The fuck are you looking at Phelps?!"

Fucking- This couldnt get any worse. Of course it was Larry, one of sallyface shitty Friends. Fucking Idiot Who smells Like Weed or cigs 10 Kilometers away, listens to some satanic screaming "music" that Hurts from Just Hearing or from His Headphones and wears the Same Things almost every day. If i Had to choose which of These f*ggòtš i Hate the Most it would be him.

"I was Just trying Not to throw Up at the sight of you"
And i flipped him Off, looking at my Bologna Sandwich and Taking a bite Out of it. I looked Up and saw Larry flipping me Off aswell. I wanted to stand Up and Punch him right now, but honestly im to tired right now, and i wanted to Finish my Lunch.

(I Hope its okay, thanks for whoever actually decidet to read this😭❤️ i will write more chapters very soon DW!)

Me,god,father, and this stupid idiotWhere stories live. Discover now