Chapter 12

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"Which hotel should I stop at?" Kenny asks. "One of the cheap ones, I guess."

"Nah, let's get a good one," Stan says. "How many times are we all gonna be in Vegas together?"

"Probably never again, but that doesn't mean I want to blow my cash on a room I'm barely going to see," Kenny says.

"I'll treat," Stan says.

"What?" Kyle turns to him, frowning. "Dude, no. We can stay in a dump, it's no big deal."

"You hate dumps," Stan says. "It's okay, really. I had more money saved up than I realized."

Kyle scoffs, his mouth falling open, but Stan just shrugs. Something is weird. If Stan really has extra money, why is Cartman on the trip?

"How 'bout that one with the fountains?" Stan says, pointing. Butters takes a picture.

"The Bellagio?" Kenny says. "I think it's, like. Super expensive."

"No, it's not," Stan says. "Look, pull in there. If it's five hundred bucks a night we'll go somewhere else, but I really don't think it's that bad."

"Dude, what are you doing?" Kyle asks, keeping his voice low. Stan shoulders him.

"Having fun," he says. He starts to say more, than lifts his phone and types it out instead. Kyle sighs and reads the message Stan sent.

I know you haven't had that great of a time so far. that sucks dude. kenny and butters will be gambling, and cartman will probably go look for whores or something. let's have a good time tonight ok?

Kyle bites down at his smile as he types his response: We don't have to stay in a palace to have a good time.

couldn't hurt tho, Stan sends back. and I bet the pool is awesome

Stan makes the arrangements for the room while the rest of them hang back, Kenny consulting a map of all the casinos in the area while Butters looks on. Cartman is preoccupied with his phone, and Kyle is too worried about how much this room is going to cost to pay much attention to any of them. He watches Stan as he hands his debit card over and laughs at something the front desk clerk has said. He looks so grown up. Kyle wants to take a picture.

"Only three hundred bucks a night for a partial lake view room," Stan says when he walks over to them. Kyle sputters and grabs the bill from Stan's hand.

"Three hundred bucks? Are you kidding me? My parents have paid less for a suite in Manhattan! During the holidays!"

"Well, not everyone has your magical Jew powers of bargaining," Cartman says, snapping his phone shut. "Give me my key, I'm gonna go look around."

"Try not to get herpes," Stan says, handing one of the plastic key cards to him. Cartman smiles in a worrying way, his eyes narrowing.

"You think I need to pay for sex?" he says. "Really? That's ironic, coming from you."

"Coming from me?" Stan says. "Why?"

"No reason," Cartman says, still smirking as he backs away. "I'll see you guys later."

"What the hell was that about?" Kyle asks when Cartman is gone.

"I've got no idea," Stan says. He shakes his head. "Fuck him, anyway. Let's go check out our room."

"I sure do appreciate you paying, Stan," Butters says as they head toward the elevators. "I'll pay you back for all of this someday, honest."

"Don't worry about it, Butters."

"If I win anything tonight, you can have some of it," Kenny says, his face still buried in the casino guide.

"Uh, okay," Stan says. He glances at Kyle, who rolls his eyes.

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