Chapter 20

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Smut Warning

No. "Yes," Kyle says. There's only one way to find out. Kyle takes hold of the backs of his knees and pulls himself open, lifting his legs the way he does when he needs to come, just like all those times when he's been deeply afraid that someone might see him like this, spread and defenseless. Stan curses under his breath and rubs his hands over Kyle's legs.

"Should I put a pillow under you?" Stan asks. "I've heard, um, I mean. I've read that it helps."

"Okay," Kyle says, allowing this mostly to make Stan feel better. Tilted at this angle, Kyle is even more vulnerable, more obviously available, open to what's about to happen to him. He takes a deep breath and lets it out, staring up at Stan.

"Tell me to stop if it hurts," Stan says. He's stroking himself sort of anxiously, as if he's taking in the dimensions of his cock and wondering how this is going to work.

"Just go slow," Kyle says. He's beginning to feel awake enough to worry, but his cock is dribbling onto his stomach and he wants this, needs it. "Really slow."

Stan rearranges the blankets over them before lining himself up, and Kyle is glad for the shelter, though his skin is sweltering already. He grows exponentially hotter when he feels Stan's cockhead bumping against him, timid and too big, way too big. Kyle takes two handfuls of the blankets and tries to keep breathing normally.

"Hey," Stan says, not missing Kyle's panic. He leans down to kiss him, stroking his face with his thumb. "Want me to stretch you more?"

"Yes," Kyle says, feigning annoyance. "With your dick. Come on, please. I'm ready, just. Do it."

It's a long, slow burn, and Kyle feels every inch of it, Stan's cock reforming his body as it pushes into him, making him acutely aware of his previously untouched places, his nerves screaming with agony one second and interest the next, everything inside him tumbling over like dominoes. Stan is touching his cock, stroking his belly, but Kyle can barely register either sensation, all of his thought processes concentrated on taking Stan in, sweat rolling down his sides now.

"I'm about halfway in," Stan says, watching him. Kyle laughs deliriously and touches Stan's chest with shaking hands.

"Half?" he says in disbelief.

"Want me to stop? Or we could –"

"No, God, we've come this far. Keep – keep going."

Kyle isn't sure how long it takes to get Stan all the way inside him, but when he's fully seated they both let out long breaths of relief, Kyle's body throbbing around the intrusion as Stan drops down to kiss him. He wraps his legs around Stan's back, gasping at the feeling of moving while Stan is in him, so deep. They kiss for a long time, and Kyle can't decide which of them is shaking harder.

"Are you okay?" Stan asks, whispering the words against Kyle's bottom lip. Kyle nods slowly, and it's true, he's okay.

"So full," he says, and Stan groans.

"Jesus, you feel like heaven," he says.

"My name's Kyle, but thanks."

Stan grins. "Don't make me laugh," he says.

"Why not?"

"'Cause I'm gonna come as soon as I move, and laughing might do it."

They kiss again, softly now, both of them trying to keep still. Kyle has his hands on Stan's waist, holding him loosely, his fingers moving through the fine layer of sweat that's coating Stan's skin.

"Was it like this with her?" Kyle asks, because he can't stop wondering, even if now is not the time. Stan shakes his head, dropping down to lick some sweat from Kyle's jaw.

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