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  Chapter 21 Missed Opportunity
  The last days are full of dangers, but huge risks also mean huge benefits.

  While mutated creatures are rampant, there are also precious mutated plants. Their fruits can improve human physical fitness, cure various diseases and cancers, and even regenerate severed limbs and restore sight to blind people.

  Although there are not all kinds of magical abilities like in the novel, those human beings with strong physiques are not much worse than those with abilities.

  And these cherry-sized black fruits in front of me are a kind of treasure that can improve physical fitness.

  "Wow, this is the first time I've seen such a red plant."

  Just when Jiang Ran was surprised, Ji Qinglin's voice sounded behind him, pulling Jiang Ran back from his daze.

  She glanced at Ji Qinglin out of the corner of her eye, thinking about it.

  Everyone gets along well. It will be much more convenient to have a few friends in the last days. Give them a chance. It's up to them whether they can seize it.

  "It's the first time I've seen it too, so maybe it's a good thing."

  Looking at Ji Qinglin meaningfully, Jiang Ran picked the three fruits carefully, turned and walked back.

  "Good stuff?"

  Ji Qinglin was puzzled, and followed him back, curiously asking: "Sister Jiang Ran, do you think this fruit is edible?" The

  three of Ji Qingcheng who had been paying attention also heard the conversation here.

  Yu Xiaowan smiled and said, "Don't eat the unfamiliar fruits. Many wild fruits are poisonous, and it's a bit difficult to find a doctor now."

  Hearing this, Ji Qinglin's curiosity was instantly extinguished.

  Jiang Ran looked at the fruit in his hand and murmured: "Should it be edible? This fruit looks pretty good."

  Guan Song took a closer look, "This is the first time I've seen this kind of fruit, it's best to eat it. Don't try it, the consequences of any physical burden will be very serious."

  Ji Qinglin asked: "Sister Jiang Ran, do you want to try it?"

  Jiang Ran didn't ask and answer, but spread his palms and asked with a smile: "Do you want to try it? What if it's not poisonous?"

  After hesitating for a while, Ji Qinglin shook his head, "Let's forget it, that tree looks weird, red and black, maybe it's very poisonous." "Okay then.


  Jiang Ran didn't force it, anyway, she had already given the opportunity, she couldn't take the risk of being exposed and say that this thing is good, eating it can evolve and improve physical fitness.

  Put the three red berries into the space, replace them with grapes of about the same size, and throw them far away. Jiang Ran sat in the shade of a tree, sweating again after all the tossing.

  As the sun went down, the temperature began to drop rapidly, from 60 degrees to more than 40 degrees, and in the mountains and forests, the real-time temperature was only more than 30 degrees.

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