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69 Book Bar




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Chapter 41

  "Sell books and sell books."

  "Vegetables, fresh vegetables, do you need them? 10 points per catty, very cheap, very cheap." "

  Starry Night Bar is hiring, from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am..."

  The elevator The door opened slowly, and a burst of loud cries entered the ears.

  The basement is densely packed with people, some people set up tents, some people spread mats, and there are small vendors in the opposite corner shouting hard, but no one patronizes.

  Observe carefully, everyone is holding their backpacks and supplies tightly, guarding against others, but they are not very nervous.

  Glancing around, Jiang Ran walked to an empty corner and sat down, took out his phone and checked the time.

  It's already mid-June, and the extreme high temperature should be over in a while, and then the horrors of the end times will truly be revealed, and a new round of more terrifying natural disasters will follow.

  Thinking of this, Jiang Ran took out a box of cold noodles from his backpack and ate them slowly. The aroma made people around him sniff.

  Although many people were salivating and their eyes were glowing green, no one came forward to make trouble, which surprised her a little.

  After eating the cold noodles, Jiang Ran sat down against the corner and began to practice. She had to strive to advance before the high temperature ended.

  After a while, several young people came over.

  "Sister, are you a new tenant? I belong to the community safety management committee. If you stay in the basement for a long time, you have to pay a safety management fee." "


  Jiang Ran looked at the young man in surprise. He was wearing a red uniform jacket with sleeves on his arms. He looked decent, but the reason for charging was really outrageous.

  Jiang Ran asked: "Is this your regulation or the regulation of the safe zone? You didn't tell me about it when you rented the house."

  Apparently this was not the first time the young man had encountered such a situation, so he said with ease: "Of course it's from the safe zone." Regulations, after all, our community is so safe, you have seen what happens in the basements of other communities, and anything can happen there.”

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