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Chapter 56

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  at the same time.

  Intensive gunshots sounded outside, and everyone began to panic. Xing Kui was so shocked that he smashed the glass wall with the ax in his hand, but it was of no avail.

  Xu Jiayu was also panicked, "Are we just waiting?"

  Hearing the fierce fighting, Guo Yu forced himself to calm down, "Of course we must find a way to escape, do as Jiang Ran said, and wait for the opportunity to escape from the gap." Escape."


  "Then wait."

  When everyone was discussing, Jiang Ran had been paying attention to the guards outside, and when she saw that everyone was surrounding the breach, she glanced at the surveillance above her head.

  Clap a few times.

  The surveillance camera in the greenhouse suddenly exploded, and everyone was startled.

  Xing Kui smashed the glass harder, and Jiang Ran silently helped him. Before she smashed down, a wind blade slammed into the glass quietly.

  Under the cover of the sound of the ax hitting the glass, no one noticed the subtle sound of breaking the air nearby.


  Another ax fell, and a circular chisel appeared on the hard glass wall. Xing Kui was very pleasantly surprised.   "Hahaha, it's done , it's done, there is

  no unparalleled road."




  "I'll do it."

  Jing Wenbiao also stepped forward with an ax in his hand, taking over from Xing Kui to hit it again and again, and Jiang Ran continued to throw the wind blade.

  Soon, a hole the size of a fist was smashed into the glass wall.

  Just as everyone was trying to smash the wall, there was a loud bang.

  Greenhouse 8 was shrouded in dense fog for some unknown reason, and a black shadow kept hitting the glass door leading to No. 8 Greenhouse.

  "It's coming, it's coming."

  Fu Wenbo was so frightened that he rushed towards the hole, and before he could escape, he was picked up by Xing Kui and thrown aside.

  "Fuck you, the hole I've worked so hard to dig can cut off your beard?"

  Xing Kui got out, followed by Jing Wenbiao, Guo Yu and Rao Meng, and then Xu Jiayu and Jiang Ran.

  After getting out, Jiang Ran glanced at the frightened Fu Wenbo, and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze? Run quickly."

  But Fu Wenbo seemed to have fallen into his own panic world, looking in horror at the people who kept hitting the glass door. shadow.

  Shaking his head, Jiang Ran also ran into the darkness with a basket of peppers, then put the things into the space, then sneaked back, climbed up to the three-story building next to the greenhouse, and hid on the top floor to observe secretly.

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