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Chapter 36

  Taking his backpack, Jiang Ran followed the people in front and walked into the steel gate, which was three meters wide and more than ten meters high, cold and majestic.

  Jiang Ran didn't know how such a huge project was built in just two months.

  Walking in the one-meter-wide aisle, Jiang Ran felt a sense of oppression, which was brought about by the tall fence and the heavily armed guards above. If there was any movement below, the guards would be covered by full firepower, and no one could enter the safe zone.

  Jiang Ran didn't like this feeling and speeded up to keep up with the people in front.

  Coming out of the narrow gate, the front suddenly opened up, Jiang Ran also heaved a sigh of relief, and looked back at the oppressive gate, Guan Song and Yu Xiaowan followed behind her.

  Letting out a breath, Yu Xiaowan couldn't help muttering: "This is too depressing, it feels like being in a prison."

  Guan Song said with a smile: "A prison is a prison, and there is nowhere in the world that is safer and more guarded than a prison. "

  While speaking, the Ji Qingcheng brothers also followed, and they followed the team along the edge of the wall.

  Soon, a low shack appeared in front, and the people in front became dissatisfied.

  "You just let us live here?"

  "There are so many tall buildings and so many houses, can't you spare a few vacant rooms for us to live in?"

  "Do you treat us like beggars?"

  The soldiers around were unmoved and ignored Everyone asked questions, and when the crowd was excited, a woman in a work uniform came over.

  "I'm so sorry."

  "There is a shortage of housing in the city, and there are indeed no extra vacancies. When you settle down, you can go to the government hall to exchange for points." "Different

  numbers of points can rent houses at different prices, and there are sufficient water, electricity and electricity supplies in the city."

  " I believe that the safe zone will satisfy you, but I would like to ask you to be wronged for a while." "Even before the

  end of the world, if you don't have money, you can only sleep on the street?"

  The woman's tone was very gentle, but the content of her words was not polite at all. The rule that materials in the safe zone are king is clearly stated.

  "What nonsense are you talking about?"

  "When the country is in crisis, is this how you treat the common people?"

  "The people inside enjoy great blessings, but we suffer hardships outside."


  "We definitely don't live in shacks."


  "We don't Living in shacks..."

  A group of migrants were very dissatisfied. They came here not to be beggars, but to get help and rescue from the government and live a stable life.

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