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Scott's POV

I had just gotten home to see my lover sitting on the couch. I walked up to him "hey baby" I went in for a kiss but he pulled away. I look at him "what's wrong" he didn't answer me. I got up "do you want something to drink" he looked at me "who was that guy you were with last night" I was shocked at his question "Evan Buckley" be was still no happy with that answer "why would you cheat on me" no I was pissed off "buck came up here for the fire fighter swap thing" he was more pissed "so you've been talking to other men" I pulled out my phone and showed him that my father had told me "my father wants his son home" that's when TK broke my phone "why would you do that" he looked at what he had just done. The look on his face said it all "Scott I'm so sorry" I walked to our bedroom and started packing up.

When I came out of our bedroom TK was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I put the suitcases by the door and made my way over to TK "don't leave Scott we can make this work" I place a kiss on his forehead "that's what we have done for the past couple of years so I've got to go" I place on last kiss on his forehead before leaving.

Year's later

I was sitting inside the 118 chatting with dad about anything and everything. That's when Eddie walked into his office "sorry to interrupt but cap you've got to see this" that's when Eddie left "you've got any ideas what's he going on about" I shack my head no. We got up and dad was in front of me, that's when all the balloons came raining down. There was a banner saying happy birthday Bobby. He looked at me "you like lier" I just gave a soft laugh "I told you I didn't want anything for my birthday" I handed him a small present "I know but this one you'll love" he opened it to see a key "what's this for" that's when Athena walked in "so you can live with me honey" this was bringing back some of my old memories with TK. I had to walk out side to get some air "the party's in side what are you doing out here" I turned around to see Buck standing there "just needed some time alone" he walked up to me "you're thinking about him again aren't you" I put my arms around him and lay my head on his chest "is it so wrong that I just want to talk to him" buck pulled away "remember what he did when yous broke up" ok now I'm pissed off "I don't need a constant reminder" I walked to my car "Scott I didn't mean what I said" I hopped into my car "yes you did" with that I put my foot on the gas.

Bobby's POV

We had just gotten a call out for a car crash. When we pulled up on site it wasn't just one car or two no it was ten cars. I made my way throw all of the cars until I saw my son's car in the middle of this all. I went to the driver's side and opened the door "son can you hear me" no response so I put my fingers on his neck to check for a pulse. The pulse was there but it was low every low, I had called over the radio to get more ambulances and that I need help. Buck and Eddie had gotten over to me first and when they saw who it was I could tell it hurt them both but Buck took it harder. We had just gotten my son out of the car and we were losing him so Eddie jump up and started to compressions. "Come on Scott" everyone had tries in their eyes.

I was with my son all the way. We had gotten him to hospital and now he was in emergency surgery. I was walking back and forth trying to do something. I couldn't sit still all I wanted to do was hold my son and just know that he is safe and alright. I see most of the 118 walk in "how is he" I couldn't speak that's when Athena walked up to me "how is he Bobby" I really didn't want to talk because talking makes it real "he's been in emergency surgery for the last hour or two" the water works were ready to come out "he's a fighter" I look at Hen "honestly he hasn't been for a while now" I was walking back and forth "take a seat cap" I look at Chim "can't just sit I've got to be doing something" that's when I get handed a bag of clothes "go get changed Scott ain't going nowhere" I took the bag and walked into the bathrooms. I had splashed some cold water on my face.

When I came out of the bathroom Athena was up "he's out of surgery and he's in a room but we've got to take are time with him" I walk into my son's hospital room to see him laying there. I took a seat next to him when there's a knock at the door. I look up to see a guy standing there "sorry but I'm captain Owen strand fire house 126" I turned back to my son "my son was with Scott for some years" I ran a hand through his hair "listen when he comes to get him to give me a call" he handed me a  piece of paper with his name and number on it.

Scott's POV

"Listen son the longer you stay the harder it is to get back" I look at my mum "but that means no more of us" she kissed my forehead "go back to your father he's hurting" I grabbed my mum's hand "what about you" she looks at are hands "I'm always with you"

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