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Scott's POV

I have been out of the hospital for a few days now and the wedding was alright. With all the drama that went on and so we had it in the hospital because of chimney going missing on the wedding day.

I was still bad at talking because it hurt my throat to talk too much so I kept a note pad on me to ask questions or ask for help.

Today I'm at my house trying to put together a new shelf because I had too much stuff and no where to put it.

I was sitting at my home made work bench which is my dining room table that my dad put all my tools on because he doesn't want me going into my garage getting hurt, which I had to agree to other ways he wouldn't allow me to come home.

That's when there was a knock on my door and because I was still in my wheelchair I rolled myself over to the door and opened it to see buck and his new boyfriend

"Hey Scott" Buck went in and hugged me. Then after hugging me he pulled away to introduce me formally to his boyfriend "Scott this is Tommy, Tommy this is Scott, Bobby's son".

He shacked my hand "it's nice to me you Scott". I gave him a small smile "yeah nice to meet you too".
I wheeled myself back over to the kitchen table "so my dad still teaching you how to cook Buck?"

I heard his laugh "yeah he is indeed still teaching me how to cook but I think I'm getting the hang of cooking".

I let out a laugh and looked at Tommy "for our first date he offered to cook and he would make Mac and cheese, so I got over to his house and found out that he couldn't cook but he wanted to do something nice for me"

Tommy had a small smile on his face "yeah that sounds like Buck".

We both heard Buck yell from the kitchen a "hey!" and that just made me and Tommy laugh a bit more "no but I'm happy that he's finally settled down with you and that you'll be good for him"

He gave me a weak small "yeah but how do I know if I'm doing the right thing for him because he never seems to want to disappoint anyone so he always seems happy?"

I wheeled over to a cabinet and rolled back over to the table putting a book on there and placing my reading glasses on. I turned to pages 21 to 51 labelled Bucky "all the things Buck did and things he did to make people upset or angry at him".

Tommy was shocked "over the years I just kept writing little notes and then when we got together I didn't seem them as problems but more as he was scared to show his real self because he's scared of rejection".

Tommy looked at me "then how can I help him when he doesn't tell me how he's feeling or even if he does then how do I know that's the truth?"

I took his hand in mine "you don't but that's the perfect thing about being in a relationship is that you get to work things out and that you's try and try hard to make this work because if you's don't try then you'll crush and burn"

Bobby's POV

I had gotten Scott to stay over at me and Athena's house seems he isn't up to fall health and I told him I would make his favourite meal.

I had told Athena and Scott that I was planning on retiring because I've done the Lord's work and made up for the fire that took my family's life. So Athena made me sleep on the couch which I couldn't disagree with.

I woke up later to the smell of smoke and saw someone is trying to burn the house down. So I quickly got into me and Athena's bedroom and saw her passed out on the floor. So I grabbed a chair and threw it through a window, grabbed Athena and made our way outside. Once I had put Athena on the ground i started doing CPR on her because she wasn't breathing.

The paramedics and firefighter's arrived and I had got Athena to wake up "where's Scott Bobby?" That's when I feel my heart dropped into my stomach and looked back towards the house "Scott!" I tried to run back in but a firefighter stopped me "we'll get him out ok just tell us where he was?"

I couldn't breathe and I started to only see black so I fell on the ground and passed out.

Athena's POV

"Bobby!" I went over to his said but the paramedics put on the machine and he was flat lining so they shocked him and shocked him "ma where is Scott?"

I looked at the firefighter "in his bedroom you'll see our broken window and on the opposite side of our bedroom is his bedroom please hurry".

I went with Bobby in the ambulance and I was holding his hand worried about him and also about Scott because he might be burnt or worse dead and then Bobby might lose the plot quicker.

I was sitting in the waiting room when we still haven't heard anything on if they have found Brody or not. I was sitting there praying that Bobby will be alright and that he wouldn't die on me because I can't lose him not after losing everything in the house fire already.

Everyone from the firehouse showed up and sat in the waiting room with me. Hen had brought me some clothes so I wasn't in a hospital gown and a robe.

"Has anyone heard if Scott was found?" I looked at Eddie "no, no one has been telling me anything"

I could see Eddie upset and that's when they brought in a burnt body.

Eddie's POV

I ran over to the paramedics "was this founded at Bobby and Athena's house?"

The paramedic nodded "yeah but we were able to drill and get an IV lime in the body to bring up his level's why do you know the body?"

I nodded my head "yeah I do it's Scott Nash, Bobby's son."

Author's POV

Right that's it this book is finally finished 😁😁😁😁😁😁. Thank you to all who have read the story to those who have stuck beside me waiting for me to do updates. But unfortunately there may not be a book two. So I hope you's have enjoyed this book so please go read my others works because it is much appreciated.

A big shout out to my mate who helps me come up with ideas for each chapter so thank you.

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