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Scott's POV

I opened my eyes to see I was in a dime room and that I was in pain. The doctor came into my room and turned off that damn alarm that was going off.

The doctor had let me get some rest because I was so damn tried and he had told me it was because of all the meds they had me on.


I had gotten a call from the hospital saying that Mr partner was awake and responding.

I had gotten in there to see Scott just waking up and as soon as I was with him I gave him a kiss on the forehead and he took in a sharp breath so I pulled away "sorry". He took my hand "hey" he put his head on it's side "how are you feeling?" I was looking him up and down "just a bit of pain but the doctor told me that the med's are working but it's going to be a fight". I lifted up his blanket but he quickly put it down "TK you're engaged to Carlos". I let out a shacky breath "we had a fight the other night".

Scott's POV

"We had a fight the other night". If I was already sitting up I am now "it got so bad that I haven't been home and I might of stolen your keys". He pulled out my keys and gave them to me and I took a key off of it. I handed him the key I took off "what's this for?" He had the key in his hand "it's a key to my house and you can stay there for as long as you want". He tried to turn me down "and also I need a bit of help when I get out of here". He had that cute little smile on his face "so what will you do with Carlos?" He just looked into my eyes "he's married to a female and she won't sign the divorce papers". TK must have seen that I was puzzled "he kept this from me and I didn't start a fight over it!" TK was getting upset so I moved over in bed and patted the bed. TK just looked at me for a minute then hopped on the bed. I ran my hand up and down his chest "you'll work this out and then he'll be happy again". I was getting tired and so I just laid my head down on his chest and listen to his heart beat.

I had woken up to TK leaving my room and he said sorry for waking me but he had a shift. I gave him a thumbs up and Laid my head down on the pillow. I was listening to the sound of the mechanics beeping. That was until I got a visitor "Scott we need to talk" by the sound of the voice I could tell Carlos was pissed off "I need you to stop spending time with TK please". I looked over at Carlos who was standing by the edge of my bed "it's not my problem what's going on between yous!" Carlos pulled me up and started to punch me in the face and then I was thrown on the floor and getting kicked in the chest "leave us alone!" He picked me up again "you understand me!" I nodded my head and then I was dropped on the ground again. I pushed my self up against the wall and had to catch my breath "Mr Nash what happened?" That's when I feel hands on me and I flinched at their touch "don't touch me!" I pulled my legs up to my chest "should we call TK?" I shack my head no "call the 126 and ask for captain Owen Strand". They left me alone and for the first time in almost a year I started to cry.

Owen's POV

I had just gotten a call from the hospital saying Scott had just gotten hurt and he was scared at letting anyone touch him. I had pull the fire house out of action and called emergency meeting.

I was standing in front of everyone "I asked yous all here because I've pulled the house out of action that's all". I walked over to get jud and Tommy, they had questions about what was going on and I told them I'll tell them on the way.

We all walked into Scott's hospital room to see him rapped up in a ball and jud walked over to him. I wash watching jud talk to Scott and I thought I heard the name Carlos and beating.

We are all in Scott's room and he's asking for us to take him home right now. Scott had gotten the paperwork and signed it so the hospital let him go with some med's and stuff he might need.

Me and Tommy had walked Scott in side his house and we placed him down on the couch nicely. That's when TK came out of a room "Scott what happened?"

Scott's POV

I was getting mad just looking at TK "you can't be here" he looked hurt "Scott you said I could". I looked TK straight into the eyes "and this is what your partner did because of us hanging out!" I was getting tired and the pain was coming on "Scott what do you need?" I looked at TK "for you to leave my god damn house!" I put my hand on my chest and started to take deep long breathes.


I had left Scott's house to come home to Carlos being all happy and sweet. I slapped him in the face "you beat the shit out of Scott?" He didn't even respond "TK it's me or him you can't have both!" I walked over to where Carlos was "he's my friend Carlos!" Carlos pushed me back and I went onto the couch and then something snapped inside me "we're doing Carlos it's over". I put my ring on the coffee table and walked out of our apartment.

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