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Scott's POV

I was slowly making my way out of the bathroom to see Tommy's face looking worried "I'm fine it's just because I have been eating". She took a hold of my arm "I just started to eat again and so I feel sick most of the time". She helped me back to my bed "I hate to have to leave you home alone". I took a seat on my bed "he's not alone Capt". I look over at TK standing in my doorway "I thought I told you to leave?" I grabbed my side "it's over between me and Carlos because he was trying to make me chose". I was in shock "well you made the wrong chose Tyler Kennedy Strand!" He just walked up to me and kiss me on the lips but this time I wasn't going to pull away, this time it's his call. When he did finally pull away it was because he needed air "do you need help at all?" I nodded my head "yeah I need to get out of this god for saken house!" He laughed and helped me too my my truck so at least I still could get around.

Today I sent TK to work so I knew he didn't have to look after me and my sorry self. I was coming back from the bathroom to hear a knock at the door. I walked over there and let Athena in "TK called me and said you had been in a car crash?" I nodded my head "yeah I was in a comma like state". She put a hand over her mouth and I could see the tear's at her eyes "hey come here". I pulled her into a hug "I'm alright I'm alive and well but I still have a long road a head of me but I'm getting there ok?" I felt her nod her head "we should go see TK and Carlos". She grabbed her bag "about that". She looked at me "TK and Carlos got into a fight and they broke up and TK has been staying here with me". She was shocked at the news "and so where is TK right now?" I looked at the clock "he's on shift".

Athena had pulled me out of the house and taken over to the 126 for a surprise visit. I walked in first "Scott how did you get here?" TK came over with a chair and glass of water for me "I drove here TK". He was pissed off at me "babe you're not allowed to drive yet". That's when I heard foot steps "he didn't drive I did". TK looked up and by the look on his face I think he was shocked


"He didn't drive I did". I looked up and I was shocked by seeing Athena standing there "what are you doing here?" She had a smile on her face "well you called me about my Scott so I had to come" I could see Scott just waiting for me so I went over to him and hugged him. When I pulled away he had a small smile on his face "how are you feeling Scott?" He rolled his eyes "the same as an hour ago". I gave him a smile I just care about you too much to let you get hurt ok?" He nodded his head "but did you have to call my mum?" I winked at him "yes I did".

Scott's POV

I was at home and mum was pissing me off "mum just stop!" She looked at me "I'm only trying to help you son!" I let out a shaky breath "I'm fine my doctor said I'm good and I don't need too much care just need to take it easy". She looked into my eyes "please let me help you?" I shake my head no "I can't mum I've got to do this on my own". She sighed before kissing my head and leaving hopefully to the airport and to LA.

I was eating dinner when my hand just froze up on me and I couldn't work my hand. I was sitting there waiting for my hand when Tk walked in "hey babe what's wrong with your hand?" He ran over to check my hand "it locked up on me but my doctor told me this would be normal for this to happen".

Weeks later

I know I shouldn't be mad but I am ok. After sleeping in the same bed as Tk for weeks on end for him to be with Carlos ok it makes me feel unwanted and unloved.

I was trying to get myself into the wheelchair but fell onto the floor and the pain shot through my body. I crawled my way to the dresser and just leaned against it "Scott!" I opened my eyes to see Owen beside me "what happened Scott?" I pointed at my bed "I was trying to get out of bed and into my wheelchair like I'm supposed to do but then it got to much for me and so I fell on the ground". Owen helped me into my wheelchair and pushed me to the kitchen table. Owen had got Tommy too come over to do a check up on me "I'm fine Tommy okay". She cheomy meds "Scott why are you taking these pills?" She should me which on she was meaning "my hands started locking or freezing on me so i went to my doctor he ran some tests and put me on them". She sighed "Scott these are a nerov blocker". I nodded my head "I know the doctor told me all about them and what they do".

Owen had invited Jud, Grace and the others from the 126 but Tk didn't show up. Everyone was eating lunch "so Scott". I look at Grace "how are you holding up with Tk and Carlos and their wedding?" I had a drink of my juice "I'm fine with it". Everyone looked shocked at the news.

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