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Scott's POV

I had just finished physio and I'm getting stronger and stronger in my legs again to the point that I'm more or less with crutches and no crutches.

I am at the fire house just hanging out chatting with Eddie "so how did it go today?" Eddie placed his hand gently on my thigh "it went fine I guess I mean there's nothing they can do it's all up to me to be able to push through this". Eddie started rubbing my thigh "how are you doing with your parents away on this little get away?"

I gave him a smile"you mean the one I forced them to go on?"

He gave me a smile "you can be pretty convincing when you wanna be and besides it ain't that bad that you finally got them to have a honeymoon"

I shrugged my shoulders "I just hate how they dropped all plans and stayed to help me for so long I mean I'm perfectly fine by my … my… my"

Eddie's POV

I see Scott straggling for breath and words so I lay him down on the ground "I need help over here!" Chim and Hen come over and pushed me out of the way.

I was sitting in the waiting room to hear how Scott is doing and this waiting is killing me. I listened to the clock on the wall slowly ticking away and it was driving me crazy. I turned my head and see the Dr coming so I stood up "how is he Dr?"

He took me into a little office "from his accident we didn't realise how bad the rest of his body was and so with the slow breath and the lost for words we saw he a bleeding on the brain and that he had lung damage and cancer"

My heart wasn't going to take much more "is he going to live?"

The Dr knocked his head "for the time being yes he is going to live but he had to put him into a medical indos coma so his brain had time to heal and so his lungs weren't working overtime".

I grabbed the arm of the chair and sat down "what can we do for him?"

The Dr let out a sigh "at the moment we need to keep him in the coma until we can see that it has work and all the bleeding is gone and the bruising has gone down beside we can walk him up and decide what the next steps does Mr Nash want to take until then it's a wait and see game".

The Dr lead me to a room where I see Scott laid out on a bed not moving not doing anything so he looked so peaceful. I pulled a chair right up beside his bed and sit there with him before pulling out his phone and calling Tk

On call

Tk — hello Scott what's up

Me — hi is this Tyler Kennedy Strands phone number

Tk — yeah it is but who are you and what are you doing with his phone

Me — this is Eddie diez I'm a friend of Scott's

TK — ok and so why do you have his phone

Me — Scott injures have gotten worse I'm afraid

Tk — what do you mean gotten worse I thought last time I spoke to him he said he was getting better and that he's mostly on crutches

Me — yeah I know it comes as a surprise to hear but there was some extra problems they didn't find the first time and so now Scott is in a coma to help with the bleeding and swelling

Tk — that's so horrible and after Scott has already been through now just to have to deal with this I can't even imagine what's going on inside his head

Me — I thought I would call you because I know how much you care about Scott and that you would most likely want to know what's going on

Tk — well thanks for the update and I'll sit by the phone and wait for an update on how he's doing

Call ended

In Scott's mind POV

I was walking around a big clear sky and I could see my mum and my brother and sister that died in a house fire years ago. I ran up to hug them but they disappear into dust and then the world clasped into darkness.

I wake up from the night mare and go into the kitchen to see mum and dad standing there cooking dinner "hey look who finally decided to wake up today?"

"What's going on dad and mum?" She gave me a smile "but you're dead?"

She just laughed "you must have had a bad dream Honey I'm alive and well".

That's when I see my little brother and I hugged him tightly "let go of me!"

I just laughed "never!"

That's when my eyes open and I was in a hospital room "Scott?"

Week's later

I was driving down the road in my truck when my phone rang so I answered it

On call

Dad — where the bloody hell are you!

Me — I … I

Dad — you what son?

Me — I in my dream I saw mum and little man again and I

Dad — I remember but we've been going to aa meetings and we've been going strong

Me — yeah but I'm not drinking or using I'm driving

Dad — you're going to that apartment building aren't you?

Me — I can't stand being said anything more dad and I don't want people to feel bad or sad because of me

Dad — please tell me this isn't a goodbye Scott Nash

Me — I love you and I'm sorry

I hanged up the phone and pulled up to the memorial wall of the lives lost and saw mum's and little man's name and placed a kiss on them. I sit on my knees and just look at there names before pulling out the knife "I'm sorry".

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